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    That's what I said. Everyone kept telling me the potassium got reduced somehow.
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    Section I: Multiple Choice

    I got qutie a lot of B's I remember. I'm not even going to compare my answers to others. Its over, nothing I can do about it now.
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    Section I: Multiple Choice

    I based mine mainly on the E coli fom the sewage plant for that water question I think. Multiple chocie wasn't too bad, although there was 2/3 harder ones in there.
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    Section I: Short Answers

    I thought it was pretty good as well, certainly easier than some of the previous years. Some of the caculations I', not so confident on though.
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    EST HSC Exam

    Can you psot up the paper?
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    Who is expecting to get spanked by chem?
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    Question Predictions

    85/90 raw would be a band 6. 35+/40 for MC/section II is good, however 40/60 for 3 essays is not that good.
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    Don't peopel usually dance in bare feet anyway?
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    HSC question PLZ answer :):)

    If your principal thinks you should, then do. He knows better than all of us here.
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    Who is expecting to get spanked by chem?

    Chem is defiantly counting for me.
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    Who is expecting to get spanked by chem?

    Will go to bed between 2:30 and 3 am.
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    The Truth........

    If I couldn't remember a quote, I too would make it up so long as it sounded reasonable. I never wrote any decent notes throguh the year. I tried a few times, although it just didn't catch on for me. Textbooks are suerpior.
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    Who is expecting to get spanked by chem?

    I revied the entire chemistry course today and done 3 past papers (I've done others before that in the past few weeks). I've got a couple of things to still revise soon though (batteries, NaCl cells in industrial chem).
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    writing in the HSC

    I wouldn't do it. Liekwise i wouldn't write with no capital letters and fullstosp etc.
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    Sign out day

    Wtf is a testimonial???? is it a reference? (if so we've already been given ours). I'll return books and everyhing but screw 'signing out'.
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    physics 2008- einstein model of light

    Re: 08 physics HSC exam- einstein model of light Light is quantisised etc. The speed of light is absolute, everything lese is now relative etc.
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    Your teachers

    So Carson, Hefferman or Locoupolous. Unless hes wrote several other HSC books (if so, why is he still teaching?) its not Hefferman. I doubt it is Loucopolou, so I say it is Carson.
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    That would be a good one.
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    The real CONFIRMED mc answers

    15 is defiantly D.
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    Your teachers

    That's awesome. What guy is he?