I based mine mainly on the E coli fom the sewage plant for that water question I think.
Multiple chocie wasn't too bad, although there was 2/3 harder ones in there.
If I couldn't remember a quote, I too would make it up so long as it sounded reasonable.
I never wrote any decent notes throguh the year. I tried a few times, although it just didn't catch on for me. Textbooks are suerpior.
I revied the entire chemistry course today and done 3 past papers (I've done others before that in the past few weeks). I've got a couple of things to still revise soon though (batteries, NaCl cells in industrial chem).
So Carson, Hefferman or Locoupolous. Unless hes wrote several other HSC books (if so, why is he still teaching?) its not Hefferman. I doubt it is Loucopolou, so I say it is Carson.