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  1. advanced sam


    Re: Something that made you say "my parents are so naive" risole is 100% correct on that. but has anyone asked him why is called a meat product..
  2. advanced sam

    Sleeping issues

    its withdrawel symptoms from this place
  3. advanced sam

    Does God exist?

    hey i just went outside and saw... get this... god in, i mean IN the carrots my dad grows in his vegie garden. no way can you believe it!! + i thought the apocalypse wasnt meant to happen until later (even though it was proclaimed in 2001 that jesus would return..) in the century, which in...
  4. advanced sam

    Does God exist?

    and we wont have people to talk about god in flowers anymore...
  5. advanced sam

    Why do people always go on about pages written?

    id like to see her write a fricken essay in 40 minutes, and then another two straight after.. yeah right
  6. advanced sam

    Australian Politics

    Re: Australian Politics Chatter Thread wrassle?
  7. advanced sam

    Finding it hard to move on after an exam???

    im still reciting my aos essay and story. oh wait we dont do it anymore..
  8. advanced sam

    2008 HSC Timetable

    Re: Anyone have 4 exams this week? kevin x 2 personalities has no friends:(
  9. advanced sam

    Please critique my homework :(

    hey michaels back!
  10. advanced sam

    Scared the markers cant read my writing? >O<

    i know i know. you cant judge a book by its cover, weve probably given the best responses theyve ever read under that all that messy writing.
  11. advanced sam

    HSC Advice Line

    hmmm helpful isnt it.
  12. advanced sam

    Does God exist?

    ah very good sensei. lets frighten them with our anti christain veiws. why ive been on here before too. shame. im probably going to hell by now
  13. advanced sam

    Scared the markers cant read my writing? >O<

    lol same! seriously they cant take out on us though, they should be used to all the crap writing by now. i mean have u SEEN the examples teachers give us to look at for high mark responses etc. messy as anything look on the bright side, we'll keep them on their toes.
  14. advanced sam

    LOL @ Me. Predict my English mark!

    ah so hard on yourself. im sure you'll do good in all your other exams ok. even though english is compulsory. and you have to do well in that for a good av. coz everyone in state is diong it but otherwise... :(
  15. advanced sam

    Best characteristics in a guy

    no nothing, i was just thinking that riet really wanted to go up there and meet you, since he reckons there are no guys like your description there...
  16. advanced sam

    Does God exist?

    ok this scares me slightly. whyyyyyyyy are people still on this thread. um even though i am, but thats different
  17. advanced sam

    Ummm, does anyone realise English is over for good?

    its sadly true. why call it extension. ah the things people do
  18. advanced sam

    Those little things...

    god i hate that!!! and they talk. and one of them, u know every so often you look up and think, kept staring at me, like i was gonna talk or something. but she was at the other side of the room! and for some reason when "pens down" time came, and you know you have to fill in that extra paper...
  19. advanced sam

    Can never login

    same hey! same as me