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    Post Your Current Ranks/Marks

    Physics 1st 19/20 Chemistry 1st 37/40 Biology 1st yes! 89/100 Maths 3 Unit 1st 98% Maths 4 Unit -no tests English...very curious still waiting!
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    Post Your Current Ranks/Marks

    Hi guys, 1 term has past, I am sure that everyone had their first assessments In these forum, post your marks and your ranks!!!
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    Who thinks the HSC is unfair?

    Legal Studies is way easier than Physics and Chemistry, And 4 unit maths. I do all these subjects, I did Legal in Preliminary, and I was intending to drop it, but I was coming first easily without any effort. I had to put so much effort in order to cdome first in Science subjects, so it...
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    bad school good ranks VS good school bad ranks

    Ok, well.. sorry, what is exactly cohort, how it works?
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    bad school good ranks VS good school bad ranks

    Hi guys and girls, I am really curious, Say the school is ranked pretty low (like 600, but considering that the school is new, and had only last year graduates), and ranks are really high and consistent, first in almost every subject, and marks are around 90s and above.... In terms of scaling...
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    Post your results here...

    2 assessments back. Physics 95% and Chemistry 93%. Pretty happy, but I think they were quite easy, I dont know, anyway my ranks are first in both, so its good. I still have to do Maths 2 tests , English essay on belonging and Bology. Good luck for everyone!!! :)
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    LOOK HERE PLEASE!!! and CLICK on this :)

    Thanks for reading this, As you have already guessed the question is about BELONGING! The qestion states " Whilst Belonging is important for individuals, it does involve both positive and negative consequences." Could you please leave a comment on what you think this question is...
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    Frames of reference assessment

    Thank you sooo much , it helped me a lot. And the practical is about inertial and non inertial frames of reference, so again, thanks for your help :)
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    positive and negative feedback ?

    I am a bit confused about the difference between the positive and negative feedback. Could you please help me and bring an example of positive feedback. Thanks
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    Frames of reference assessment

    Hi all BOS ers, I have got an assessment to do, and the only information that I have got is that is all about the frames of reference. It is practical, and we have to conduct it during one period, so a) what do you think I can do for preparing myself to the prac, besides having background...
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    Competition at your school

    There is cometition in my school certainly. I would say that for maths, it is a healthy competition between two (me and another guy). But for sciences and english... especially when the difference is just one mark. I do HATE when in front of me they just show how happy they are when first time...
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    Disadvantaged by school? :C

    My school is ranked around 600s, and I feel that it might affect my ATAR. Firstly because science teachers are not good enough, secondly we dont study topics properly, we dont have good resources, just a few crappy books, there is not anybody who wants to study, so there is not any competition...
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    School Captain/ Vice Captain/ Prefects

    Quotes for school captain speech! Hi ALL,I have got a speech in term 4, and it would be helpful to have any quotes. So if you used leadership quotes, or if you know good ones, please share. Thanks ;)
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    what is the best way to study for...?

    Thanks for advises!!! I will try not to worry much... I just wanna ask, how to manage time with maths. I mean how long do I have to do maths a day. What is the best way to study for 4unit maths, and is it really possible to self teach?
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    what is the best way to study for...?

    Hi BOSers, its time to start year 12. I am really motivated,I study hard, and aim for a really high ATAR. However I need some advise in order to achieve maximum results. My school is ranked very low,byt anyway I know that it doesnt matter, I am gonna rely on myself. But I have got some problems...
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    A list of vocabulary

    Thanks sooo sooo much. I am struggling with the fact that I have to use same words over and over again!! Thanks for that. YOU saved my life!!!
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    Make sure to understand all concepts, also extra reading is quite useful!!! Good luck:)