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  1. EdmondDW

    The s1 2008 Uni Results thread

    Pay extra money to remark...but the result maybe even lower...what I got from the BABs office~
  2. EdmondDW

    The s1 2008 Uni Results thread

    Anybody can get 95+...if math, physics maybe possible....but for the other majors?
  3. EdmondDW

    The s1 2008 Uni Results thread

    Thanks~ Dr.Robert let me to consider if I will change to the major of advanced current major is biotechnology... My English is pretty bad....maybe not suitable for bio science~er...
  4. EdmondDW

    So BIOS1011.....

    Biot1011 or Bios1101? confused me....
  5. EdmondDW


    This is a first year course, but the exam has so many short eassy questions...and the assignment is 4000 words' report... for the first year the way,English is not my first language...So those two weeks i nearly have no sleeping... But the professor is kind...
  6. EdmondDW

    The s1 2008 Uni Results thread

    UNSW Assessment Results for Semester 1 2008 Issued at Thu Jul 10 22:00:25 2008 ======================================================== Session Course Title Result ======================================================== T1 BABS1201 Molecules, Cells and...
  7. EdmondDW

    why anu?

    so many top scholars...even I'm form UNSW...I like ANU...
  8. EdmondDW


    I got nothing from this course...the content is so empty... and exam contains so many short eassy questions...including some stupid ones:vcross: ...OMG...