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  1. S

    ATAR ESIMATE PLEASE :) post trials

    nope but it is highly recomended that you do 2 unit and/or higher
  2. S

    ATAR ESIMATE PLEASE :) post trials

    Did not do very well all of my subject ranks went down Physics 18/20 General Maths 50/90 Industrial Technology 15/20 Engineering Studies 2/2 English Standard 40/90 SOR 20/80 School Rank: 217 P.S. I only need a 75 for my desired course so even though i didnt do as well as i would...
  3. S

    Post your subject regrets

    One regret is not dropping a subject i truly hate :Industrial Technology Multimedia (teacher dose`nt teach anything just looks at his computer all lesson) in order to pick a subject in which i would smash Senior Science and dropping PDHPE.
  4. S

    How do you write faster?

    Also adding weight to your pen is a good way of developing stronger muscles in your hand. Try taping used batteries to a pen and start writing with the pen. After a while the muscles in your hand will develop and you will be able to write faster when you take the batteries out in an exam.
  5. S

    What regrets have you had when looking back at Year 12?

    yeh same, if only i could take what i learnt after one year and travel back a year in time lol
  6. S

    What regrets have you had when looking back at Year 12?

    Yeh i leave things to the last minute as well. BTW why did you drop Modern History? Did`nt you like it
  7. S

    What regrets have you had when looking back at Year 12?

    One regret is not dropping a subject i truly hate :Industrial Technology Multimedia (teacher dose`nt teach anything just looks at his computer all lesson) in order to pick a subject in which i would smash Senior Science and dropping PDHPE.
  8. S

    ATAR ESIMATE PLEASE :) 80+ still possible?

    Do you know what Centerlink is? Yeh all the bogans in my area go there
  9. S

    ATAR ESIMATE PLEASE :) 80+ still possible?

    I thought my school was ranked 500+ because it is in Centerlink Central but its actually Ranked 217 therefore my ATAR estimate should change right? General Maths 77% Rank:10/104 Standard English 85% Rank: 5/102 Industrial Tech 70% Rank: 22/31 Engineering Studies 77% Rank 1/2 Physics 70%...
  10. S

    ATAR Estimate Please :)

    sorry school rank is about 530
  11. S

    ATAR Estimate Please :)

    HI im am a little worried about my ATAR and an Atar estimate would be helpful in deciding where i should apply for through UAC so if anyone could give me an estimate i would very much appreciate it. General Maths 77% Rank:10/104 Standard English...
  12. S

    What counts as Educational Disadvantage(For ATAR bonus points)?

    i would like to know what circumstances count for getting an extra 5 bonus points? i recently moved at the start of the July holidays and i still don't have internet at my house and i have had three assignments due on the first day back and i live in Greater western Sydney. How much points would...
  13. S

    Geography homework HELP!

    good for the sydney as well as the australian economy also it showed of Australia to the rest of the world
  14. S

    Atar estimate please? & what rankings do i need to get an atar of 85+?

    i was ranked pretty low (90/102) and then i got 95% of two english assesment tasks
  15. S

    Atar estimate please? & what rankings do i need to get an atar of 85+?

    nuh my last exam for maths was on a day that 2 other assesment tasks were due and that exam had a weighing of 20 % so i didnt study for it
  16. S

    Atar estimate please? & what rankings do i need to get an atar of 85+?

    School Rank: 510-520 English Standard: 11/102 Mark: 73% (Assessment Remaining 50%) SOR: 15/87 75% (Assessment Remaining 40%) Engineering Studies 1/2 69% (Assessment Remaining 53%) General Maths 91/104 44% (Assessment Remaining...
  17. S

    Do you think it is acceptable for.....

    i can understand what people are saying but at my school we always got the marking criteria and the only reason we did not get it was because my teacher was too lazy to create one.way And its not like my school is one of the top schools anyway
  18. S

    Do you think it is acceptable for.....

    50 wow my school is ranked in the early 500`s
  19. S

    Do you think it is acceptable for.....

    ^ thats not the point, in uni most people dont get the marking criteria but in senior school EVERYONE does