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    Why do so few try?

    i lovee SORI last year i hated it and didnt bother with it & thus got put into the "dumber" class for this year. That was kinda a wake up call when i realised that i was the only extension english student in there... all the others were in the "smart" class, so i actually listened and applied...
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    advice for getting through two 3 hrs exams

    stock up on simple carbs for quick energy release allens lolliess mmmm =) just for tomorrow though !!
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    they have ... 2006: a) include a description on diff family arrangements b) include a description for domestic violence 2005: include a discussion on the rights and obligations of both parents & children 2004: a) discussion & dissolution of marriage b) different family...
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    lollll its alright if you got a good mark in ur trial for family =) personally i tried to do 4 that i knew really well in my trial and only had time for 3 so i duno how you could manage more than that .. but then again im not the fastest writer ! id b cheering if its dissolution of marriage !!
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    'legal issues & remedies' is apart of the legal studies syllabus. so essentially the body of ur essay is made up of it ... e.g. LEGAL ISSUE: dissolution of marriage LEGAL REMEDY: Family Law Act 1975, introduction of 'no fault divorce' thus overriding the Matrimonial Causes Act 1959 etc
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    Law and society question- mental blank

    You could add case law to this & support ur answer by saying Dietrich v The Queen established that if an individual is incapable of recieving a fair trial without representation they may be granted it (e.g. legal aid) .. or something like that
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    Help ! legal articles/cases

    my teacher implores us that we integrate at least 5 case laws in our essays... so im just going off that i guess.
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    Those little things...

    Some girl next to me kept chewing her gum loudly. you can only imagine how much the sound is ampified when there is dead silence the sound of saliva in her mouth as she chewed was just arghhhhh
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    Yea il probably make a quick stop at bunnings on my way home to pick up a rope if they specify something .. I've got domestic violence too, dissolution of marriage and birth techonology i have a gut feeling they might say birth tech cos it hasnt been asked before. ARGH I HATE LEGAL =]
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    schoolies at terrigal and kiama?

    terrigalllllllll 21-28th =)
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    Just wondering how many issues and remedies you are going to include in your essays? My teacher says know 3, but know them all in general just in case it specifies for a certain one (e.g. dissolution of marriage)
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    What do you want to be when you grow up? Plans for after the HSC?

    International studies & UNSW =) woo hooo i think =S
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    Schoolies 2008 Terrigal!!!

    haha thats what me and my friends were discussing the other day, how us westies would be going to terrigal and the kids in terrigal probably headed somewhere like qld =) TERRIGAL 08 21-28th woo hooo
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    Gwen Harwood

    i did 'At Mornington' & 'Prize Giving' this question was SUCH a blessing straight & to the point ! none of this 'human spirit' crap =)