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  1. css

    iPhone or not?

    i kindof can't wait to mercilessly download and stuff the phone with all kinds of ridiculously useful crap. compass? yes. mri reader? yes. fun cube games that everyone plays on the bus? sure, why not. i just want a phone that's more talented than me in every way.
  2. css

    iPhone or not?

    Honestly, if I had the phone I -needed- I'd probably have a brick nokia.
  3. css

    iPhone or not?

    LG is death, that's guaranteed. So is the verdict out? 3GS or standard 3G?
  4. css

    iPhone or not?

    yah sure, i guess that would be okay.
  5. css

    iPhone or not?

    I was hoping to be able to chuck out my iPod. Damn.
  6. css

    iPhone or not?

    Yeah that's true. My dad's got one and his fat fingers don't seem to be much of an issue in terms of using it... Now I have to concentrate on affording the data plan >.<
  7. css

    iPhone or not?

    I guess size is the sticking point. I'm a pocket person and I tend to lug everything around in a pocket of some form. I'm just worried im going to get sick of it, or drop it.
  8. css

    iPhone or not?

    Haha, yeah. Unfortunately my birthday list doesn't stretch as far as gifts for strangers :)
  9. css

    iPhone or not?

    Price isn't so much of an issue, but I don't want to get gipped for a less than great phone for the price.
  10. css

    iPhone or not?

    I'm trying to figure out if I should get an iPhone. I like the interface and the aesthetics and I'm a mac person, but I'm not sure. Pros/Cons anyone? Advice? And 3GS or just the old one? Decisions.
  11. css

    Utegate - sympathy for Turnbull

    More pity for Godwin Grech, but respect cause it's apparent he conned Turnbull.