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  1. M


    i cant imagine it'd be a good thing
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    Working while undertaking Year 12

    ive been working for a while now, usually about 10 hours each week. as people above me mentioned its a really good feeling to have independence and being able to pay for yourself. also if i wasnt working i would be wasting time another way
  3. M

    the girl. advice now

    it is weird. do you take that to mean he's overprotective or she just wants him around?
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    How do you study for exams?

    i always find doing past papers and challenging exercises in maths helpful. that way when i get some answers wrong i can really focus on those weaker areas. in other subjects i mainly go over notes/handouts from class and pick out the most important stuff.
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    Rules for Customers

    it really depends what stores you go to. there are a few maccas near where i live that usually take about 10 minutes or so for a simple order. but there are some that take only 3-5 minutes the moral is maccas is shit
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    The customer is not always right!

    hahahahah for the good of mankind, please drink more
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    Not So Bad???

    thankyou all for this nice little conversation. im off to bed:sleep: feel free to chat amongst yourselves. have a good weekend everyone!:wave:
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    Not So Bad???

    i think it was two years ago the year 12 emptied salt onto the grassy hill in the shape of a giant penis and it burnt all the grass away. everyone driving past the school on the main road could see a massive cock on a hill
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    Should virginity be regarded as a virtue in modern society?

    has anyone counted the amount of threads turned into religious debates on BoS? most have been deleted now. i smell another delete approaching
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    Not So Bad???

    we've gone a little bit off topic but who cares? who has some good ideas for muck-up day? our previous years have always been kinda disappointing EDIT: nothing that ill lose my HSC over
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    Not So Bad???

    good luck with it, sounds tricky though. my interview with the principal is coming up soon. whole year does it to see how we can improve. i know my problem. im lazy
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    Not So Bad???

    the larger group can contribute, but obviously a closer group would have more of an impact.the more friends the better
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    Not So Bad???

    you can have a large group of friends but a closer, stronger friendship with some of those. if you never saw those friends on the outside of the circle for a long time you probably wouldnt be affected. on the other hand, the closer of your friends would be around to contribute to your social life.
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    Stress Less

    oooh unlucky. i hope for your sake he's at least good in bed
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    Not So Bad???

    its natural for it to be natural. for '08ers at least if that makes sense
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    Not So Bad???

    it very natural for me. just ask my mum
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    Not So Bad???

    dont worry BoSers dont judge:hammer: :spam:
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    textual integrity

    i hate "textual integrity" if my english teacher says it once more ill beat the moustache off his face.
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    Not So Bad???

    ill probably be the same. plenty of time for them at first but ill gradually drift away from them. especially as the work piles up and i make new friends at uni and new job, etc
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    2009 Speculators

    who's going for education at UOW and what specifically? my name is Simon, hopefully a Bachelor of Primary Education love to see my competition:) EDIT: doesnt even have to be UOW. all fellow teachers-to-be speak out