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  1. G

    Advanced to standard english

    I have gotten low As on both the assessments I've done so far for english adv (yet to do final one), if I were to get similar or slightly higher marks in standard would it goes as far as to get scaled/aligned down or just stay the same?
  2. G

    Advanced to standard english

    Across paper 1 and 2, adv only does 3 essays too.
  3. G

    Advanced to standard english

    Yeah that's definitely the case at my school in that the vast majority of those in english advanced generally perform better than the standard cohort, however, that's not to say everyone in standard doesn't do well. Allocating more time to other subjects was one of my points of reasoning to move...
  4. G

    Advanced to standard english

    I think the standard classes at my school are kind of ranked and so one class get's pushed really hard, whilst the others not so much. Do you mean in the HSC exam advanced has to write 5 essays or as assessment tasks?
  5. G

    What is the new 2024 curriculum

    True, I guess it depends on the school. I know several teachers at my school that would be great at teaching engineering studies if it were offered as an elective. Same goes for psychology, I would pick it up in a heartbeat if it were offered in senior years like Victoria.
  6. G

    What is the new 2024 curriculum

    Engineering studies is already a HSC subject and in Victoria, they offer psychology as a year 11 and 12 subject, and so I'm sure there's qualified teachers available to teach the subjects.
  7. G

    Advanced to standard english

    I agree with the easier marking in standard, at my school anyway. I want to take your word for the similar workloads, but last term the assignment for standard was to make a slideshow on a podcast, whilst our assignment was to create a website, write a creative, write a film review and make a...
  8. G

    Advanced to standard english

    Okay so I am contemplating moving into standard english once year 12 begins (next term). I have a few questions and if anyone can provide some insight it would be much appreciated: Is the analysis generally easier? I find particularly with Shakespeare, the texts themselves and the analysis to...
  9. G

    human flaws in Othello

    Exactly my thoughts - will be intertwining the concept whilst discussing Othello's jealousy hahah
  10. G

    human flaws in Othello

    I definitely want to do a paragraph on something like this, thank you for the idea !!
  11. G

    human flaws in Othello

    I have to write an essay on Shakespeare's examination of human flaws in Othello/how they're a key aspect to the enduring relevance of the play. So far I've come up with two flaws I feel would be easy to discuss and provide examples for... BP1 Jealousy BP2 yet to be decided... BP3 Trusting -...
  12. G

    quote picking from a solioquy

    I have never heard of metonymy! Thank you for this. Before lockdown, our class was each assigned roles and we read it aloud and kind of performed to get a sense of that haha.
  13. G

    quote picking from a solioquy

    We have to discuss how Shakespeare has constructed his villain and there's a plethora of techniques, but I can't seem to pick out the best one to answer the prompt (I've already chosen quotes from other acts to support my answer, but am struggling with this act). I was wondering if anyone could...
  14. G


    Preliminary content isn't really a priority and so prelims will most likely be held this term in varying formats (assignments, online testing) depending on the school. I doubt they would be postponed until next term as we will be considered year 12s and they will need to begin HSC content.
  15. G

    prelim content in HSC - maths

    I should probably start paying more attention in math o_O thank you for clarifying!
  16. G

    prelim content in HSC - maths

    I've been told that up to 30% of prelim content in maths is tested in HSC, but I was wondering if that 30% is kind of recovered/more so a foundation to concepts taught in year 12 or if prelim content is quite literally in the HSC?
  17. G

    Depth Study

    Both of these would have been so interesting to test. The celery prac would have been amazing to investigate as it directly tests a dot point in the module (transport within plants). My teacher actually ended up recommending I do a prac on chemical digestion as no one else was and so I just...
  18. G

    changing courses

    Yeah I can see that being the case. No harm in asking anyway I guess. Thank you for your help!
  19. G

    changing courses

  20. G

    changing courses

    Oh yeah sorry. Wanting to switch into legal.