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    Tim Winton Short Story: Neighbours

    belonging 1 textbook actually has a analysis of that story
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    TSFX: any good for adv english?

    thanks guess im not gonna go then
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    TSFX: any good for adv english?

    is there anyone who's actually been to one?
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    Belonging: Related Text Suggestions

    Re: films for belonging omg so can you use the same related text your using for belonging, for another module, ie, module c? i dint know that...
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    TSFX: any good for adv english?

    oops lol, no, just realised i made a mistake, im doing my hsc 2010
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    TSFX: any good for adv english?

    I was thinking of going to the TSFX summer school for english parts 1 -5, which covers the english course, including belonging sections, module A and module C. But they only ask us to tick what electives we're doing, ie "Texts in Time" and "Conflicting Perspectives". But a don't know if it will...
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    Hey, I was just wondering, because this area is fairly new, are there any study guides that would be helpful for it?
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    English related text?

    oh yeah lol sorry, no i was meaning you wow thats an amazing mark. I just wanted to know how you get a mark like that, did you have all your essays prepared then adapted it to the question, or how did you prepare your notes for english? And with a thesis, do have one then use it to answer...
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    English related text?

    So what marks did you get in adv english for you to have gotten such an awesome atar?
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    Songs you CANNOT stop listening to

    yOU CAN'T stop listening to music? You MUST not have a life then! Quite simply put, don't you agree?
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    Most annoying book of all time

    I would like to say that the person who allegedly claimed that Harry Potter was an 'annoying' book that you are WRONG-INCORRECT. But, the thing is, I don't blame you, because there is something VERY wrong with you! I mean, like yeah! HARRY POTTER IS THE BESTEST BOOK EVER!
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    Global warming occuring faster than predicted

    Jeez. All you guys do is talk the talk like 'OMG, global warming!' Well, why don't you do anything about it huh?! Sitting like potatoes in front of the computer? Is that all you could do! You should all be ashamed of youRselves! FOR SHAME! lOLLIES BTW, you can help save the environment by...
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    Rudd's Education Reform: Laptops to 9-12 Seconday Students

    Laptops? I wish jellyfish! I hope they give laptops, but looking at the current financial crisis, it looks nearly unlikely. Muhahahahahaahhaahahahaha. I AM THE GREATEST. I AM THE GREATEST. (quote Muhammed Ali)
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    7120 or 2071? geo sc question

    2071 isn't it? You first do horizonatl no. then vertical.
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    Need help with choosing uni for teaching!!!

    Re: University of New South Wales OR Notre Dame Unsw :)
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    F**k Camden is stupid Part II: The Proposed Islamic Cemetery

    Ok Im sorry - I was just writing away. WOW You love criticisng people. Btw, racism - is being prejudice towards a race - this can also refer to religion. ta
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    2008 Presidential Election - Obama v McCain

    Ah Mcain, you've done it again! Unless you want another George Bush to run America, GO OBAMA! Amandla!
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    F**k Camden is stupid Part II: The Proposed Islamic Cemetery

    I think that its right the Muslims have stood up for themselves. I've heard Cambden is indeed a town full of racist attitudes. Did anyone watch the Cutting Edge Program about a guy staying with the Sheikh? Well in the program, there was an incident in Cambden where the Muslims wanted to build a...
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    F**k Camden is stupid Part II: The Proposed Islamic Cemetery

    I believe that since the Anglican Church has sold their land for a Muslim cemetery ground then that should be it. If the Anglican Church had not wanted Muslims to be buried in their cemetery then they shouldn't have sold it; but it just turns out they did. If people are opposed to this, well...