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  1. aulinia

    UNSW releases portfolio offer

    I just got my offer this morning! But I applied for Gateway so maybe Portfolio releases at a different time?
  2. aulinia

    School and LGBT

    to be fair there have been so many stereotypes/tropes made about lgbt for so long in television that it has only recently become unacceptable … i dont think we can say lgbt privilege is real when several countries criminalise being lgbt.
  3. aulinia

    Help with dropping buisness vs SAC

    Drop society. So many people in my class were hesitant on dropping society because they didn’t perform well/didn’t enjoy it, but kept it anyway and ended up despising it. The pip is a huge major work and if ur not committed then dropping will honestly be the best decision you’ll end up making.
  4. aulinia

    Post Trials Hangover

    Hey, I can definitely relate to this feeling of lethargy and not being motivated despite wanting to do really well in HSC. It’s important to start small - you’re realistically not going to start doing 8 hours of revision everyday; break up everything into small, manageable chunks and just make...
  5. aulinia

    What's everyone doing for their major works and how are you going with it?

    Sweet omg, whats your pip on? :) And i swear im finding the pip much harder than the ext essay, bc u need to conduct ur own research (and its almost double the word count…)
  6. aulinia

    What's everyone doing for their major works and how are you going with it?

    Tysm! And omg literally, and its right before trials 😵‍💫😵‍💫 im planning on finishing both pretty soon so ill be able to fully dedicate my focus on hsc
  7. aulinia

    What's everyone doing for their major works and how are you going with it?

    I still have about 6 weeks left to do mine, its like 2 days before my PIP so im gna be so stressed omg, doing mine on indigenous australian history and the impact of ethnocentrism on its historiography.
  8. aulinia

    subject selection: ancient vs modern history

    I do ancient history and honestly I really like the subject, it’s one of my favourites. Like other people have pointed out, it’s super interesting. One thing I will say though is that for ancient history you’re expected to develop your own perspective/stance on history through interpretation and...
  9. aulinia

    selective school applicant to international universities (y10 at a top 10 selective school)

    You definitely need to talk to your school’s career advisor if you have one. My friend is currently planning to go international for University, and depending on where you go, you might have to do specific tests or whatever.
  10. aulinia

    2023 HSC chat

    I personally don’t do economics, but I asked my friends who do and their top tips would be to keep up to date with daily news for economics, be able to apply the theories in your responses, use flash cards for formulas and do essay plans!
  11. aulinia

    Just Stuff about St Marys

    Yeah like one girl - she was a really average student in terms of academics, dont think she had many extracurriculars, not really sure why they rejected her srry
  12. aulinia

    too late to change pip topic?

    IMO I think you should stick with your topic - you’ll have to conduct your own research again, do new readings, and restarting an entire major work so late in the year seems like a bad idea. But at the same time, I get you. I’m not as passionate about my PIP as I once was, but at the same time I...
  13. aulinia

    Just Stuff about St Marys

    You probs will, afaik st marys doesnt have a rigorous application process anymore, my friend who had a similar report to you got in, and so did a lot of people at my school
  14. aulinia

    2023 HSC chat

    I do a lot of hsie/essay based subjects as well! To practice essay writing, just do past paper questions *under timed conditions* (find them on the nesa website, thsc, acehsc, etc), and try putting 1 or 2 double a batteries at the end of your pen while you’re writing so it’s heavier? Idk if that...
  15. aulinia

    Dropping to English Standard midway through the year

    It sounds like Standard is better suited for you. Good luck, hoping everything goes well and things start looking up!
  16. aulinia

    Dropping to English Standard midway through the year

    Dropping down to standard doesnt mean you can guarantee a band 6, and like carrotss said the content is quite similar, especially since you’ll need to study a whole text by yourself (albeit there may be resources online to aid you in this). You still have another assessment task, trials and hsc...
  17. aulinia

    Is it important to reach 1000 words in a critical essay?

    Yeah i know 😭 thats why i said youll write more (800+) when ur writing good essays hahha
  18. aulinia

    Is it important to reach 1000 words in a critical essay?

    Quality > Quantity anyday. If you’re producing effective essays you’ll find that you’ll write more (obv theres a point where u just write unnecessary bs and waffle), but honestly just practice writing to improve your speed especially under exam conditions
  19. aulinia

    Accepting feedback for this essay

    ^^ agree with everything masaken said. You need to have a consistent, clear structure. Be effective in your analysis (cause + effect) and u need to link it back to the question and ur thesis. Your sentences are lacking, make sure your thesis and stance is clear in ur introduction and it is...
  20. aulinia

    What ATAR are you aiming for?

    Ohh i didnt realise u wanted to go to the uk for uni! Thats a different circumstance, sounds super nice