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  1. Serius

    Compulsory Aboriginal/Torres Straight Islander culture uni course proposed

    You and people like you are the reason our government feels they need to do this.
  2. Serius

    Compulsory Aboriginal/Torres Straight Islander culture uni course proposed

    Sadly this would probably cause more resentment and hatred towards indigenous Australians rather than helping the problem. At least they are trying to do something about this bad situation of racial and cultural hatred. I have no idea what to do instead though. In my mind its a self...
  3. Serius

    Message from above

    haha i remember seeing this ages ago. The best thing i ever got was a letter from tony abbot and a peice of artwork that he signed and had framed....actually thats kind of awesome when i think about it.
  4. Serius

    Asians 2?

    There are a lot of white people. how do you tell the difference physically between russians, scottish, irish and french?
  5. Serius

    Asians 2?

    I find them as attractive as any other race i guess.
  6. Serius

    ITT: we motivate each other to exercise and keep at it!

    Dont worry ive been false starting for 1 week even after i had made my plan, i would even get dressed ready to go, step outside then be like "nah not today" it took an incredible amount of willpower to just do it, but hopefully it will be easier now after the first time.
  7. Serius

    how long do u shower for?

    about 5mins for my regime total. enter bathroom, shave with electric razor, strip off, enter shower. I take navy showers too. water on for like 10 sec to wet myself, water off. soap body up, shampoo hair. water on for 20sec to rinse off, water off condition hair, water on to rinse off...
  8. Serius

    ITT: we motivate each other to exercise and keep at it!

    Ive been meaning to increase my fitness level for a while because i live quite a sedentary life and i want to be fit and strong like i was a few years ago. A psych course i am taking now gives me the reason because part of it is designing and sticking with a fitness program. I started my...
  9. Serius

    homosexuality - sexual identity crisis.

    Yeah i would be shocked and upset, but in the end i would just accept it and wish them all the best, its not like they can change their sexuality to suddenly being attracted to you. Surely you would have suspected something at this stage. In some ways the breakup would be alot easier, after all...
  10. Serius

    Angus & Robertson - Top 100 as voted by Australia

    Riftwar saga at no. 9 nice! Theres some good books in there, then theres some average ones that are far too high for instance: "a child called It" was an ok book, but catch 22 is a much better piece of literature yet it is ranked lower. brave new world, 1984, animal farm, all much too low...
  11. Serius

    Women boozing is not sexually attractive to men

    I think its attractive, a girl laughing and having a good time and not caring what people think, more social and talkative and open to my advances. Hell yeah. Drinking to excess is bad, like if you are wasted throwing up in the gutter = not attractive, but just tipsy and having a good time is...
  12. Serius

    Cutting ties with friends!

    Simple, just dont see them at all or make any effort. Ive done it many many times. You dont have to be rude about it or cause unnecessary conflict, if they ask to hang out, come to the movies or something dont say "fuck you i hate you" just say something simple like " i cant i am busy". Theres a...
  13. Serius

    Gun Control

    Nobody really knows why. It could be that Australia just has low crime anyway, we always have and our crime rates have been dropping steadily for a while now. It could be that the majority of illegal guns are own by crime gangs who arent likely to use it in something stupid like a service...
  14. Serius

    Gun Control

    nice one. I think i am done with this thread, most of the last few pages i have already addressed earlier. Someone kept bringing up how they dont think their are many guns in Australia. Maybe its because they dont live in Sydney where guns are everywhere. NSW confiscates about 1000 illegal...
  15. Serius

    Gun Control

    Yes but you also havent finished school yet so you havent heard much of anything yet have you? Do you know how to google? anyway here is your stats in an easy to read form, i am sure there are better sources out there than this though. and yes Shroedinger, i understand that port arthur was...
  16. Serius

    Gun Control

    I do love a good debate but i am not sure how much more i can add to this one without going around in circles. Basically i believe that self defence should be a valid reason for owning a gun, and we should have the right to defend ourselves, our property and those around us with the best tools...
  17. Serius

    Mother v V v Red Bull v Rockstar

    mother is good and its a bigger can, good value etc. My money is with flying power though. They sell it at ALDI stores, its same size as redbull, tastes pretty similiar, almost same contents and so on but its cheap as shit, like $1.20 or less a can. Me and a large number of friends drink this...
  18. Serius

    Gun Control

    last one for a while: victims who defend themselves with guns are less likely to be injured or lose property than victims who either did not resist, or resisted without guns. research on rape indicated that although victims rarely resisted with guns, those using other weapons were less likely...
  19. Serius

    Gun Control

    Good arguments! i enjoy seeing a good rebuttal maybe, maybe not. My scenario is still valid. Who said it has to come down to actually being held down and penetrated before the victim is willing to fight back? If she pulled a gun as soon as the dipshit gets grabby and threatening then she is no...