Search results

  1. bawd

    The difference between literary, rhetoric, linguistic, prosodic and visual devices

    Ugh, the branches of metalanguage confuse me, and searching them up on BoS, Wikipedia and Google confounded me even more. Let's use the example of an allusion; it can be a literary device used in text but can be a rhetoric device when used in speech, etc. I understand there is grey area between...
  2. bawd

    What are you currently Reading?

    Tales from Outer Suburbia and The Arrival by Shaun Tan. More like admiring the pictures; Shaun Tan's works are thrilling enough just to stare at and still be fascinated an hour later.
  3. bawd


    Re: best/worst attendance ??? Depends from school to school maybe? I'm pretty sure the BoS does set a minimum attendance level of 85% (or perhaps it's 80%).
  4. bawd

    4-Unit Maths?

  5. bawd

    Looking to buy a Laptop; Should I get a Mac OS or stick with a Windows OS?

    Shut up Kebab. I'm going to force you into studying next term, which will eventually lead to the purchase of a Mac. And YAY at student discount! :)
  6. bawd

    Economics or Legal Studies

    I wanted to do both, but our school doesn't have a Legal Studies teacher. Actually, my Economics teacher is a Legal Studies teacher, but he admits that he is crap and therefore doesn't teach it. lolololol
  7. bawd

    James Ruse Agricultural High

    LOL. I heard they have discussions with students who aren't performing well (I think most schools do that, actually), and that probably led to the assumption that they must kick out their students. Must be a bit of James Ruse Envy going around. :)
  8. bawd

    New english syllabus for 2009 hsc (New AOS - Belonging)

    Re: English HSC 2009 Belonging whats is everone thinking Meh. I don't think Belonging would be harder than Journeys or Change w/e. It'll just be different and fresh.
  9. bawd

    What Math textbook do you use?

    We used Maths Zone. It was actually pretty good, despite the cheesy-ass name.
  10. bawd

    Creative Writing

    A little constructive criticism. Okay, I lied. A little more than a little. I have time on my hands. I'll be honest, I didn't really like it at all, as-a-matter-of-fact. (Fantastic way to begin a critque!) First, the introductory paragraphs were very verbose. So, cut the flowery language...
  11. bawd

    James Ruse Agricultural High

    Good point, but you haven't answered my question. I do think a good school opens up greater opportunities in life. Actually, let me rephrase that. I meant a good UAI. lol @ UAI envy, and .XX UAI talk.
  12. bawd


    Re: best/worst attendance ??? There's a guy at my school who's on the verge of getting an N-award and repeating the Preliminary course because his attendance is currently just below the 85% bench mark because he went on holiday for a few weeks. So, if he's away in any of the next few days, he's...
  13. bawd

    Preliminary HSC Yearly Exams Thoughts & Results

    Re: Preliminary HSC Yearly Exams English Advanced Paper 1 and Japanese Beginners for me next Monday, followed by 2U Mathematics on Tuesday, English Advanced Paper 2 Wednesday, English Extension 1 Thursday and then Economics on Friday. Week 2 starts off with Mathematics Extension 1 (Hurrah!)...
  14. bawd

    UTOPIA... Can anyone help?plz?

    Go to BoS home page, click on Resources, English then English Extension 1: I see an essay on Utopia right now.
  15. bawd

    The Idiot's Guide to cooking (things you can make in five minutes or less)

    My friends recently have had 'tuna parties': Need: A can (or as many cans) of tuna, preferably the spreadable ones (my favourite at the moment is Greenseas Mayonnaise and Mustard Seed) A pack of plain, dippable, toppable, wholegrain biscuits Method: 1. Open can of tuna (be careful not to spill...
  16. bawd

    What have you eaten today?

    Just had Mi Goreng. I've seriously got to find a healthy midnight snack alternative. Suggestions?
  17. bawd

    UNSW Open day.

    Becoming cliched? I'd say it is already cliched, and very unfortunately true for some parents still stuck in their days of being a fresh migrant. (Cliched looks weird without the acute 'e' lol) Anyway, printing off UNSW timetable. :) Excited, excited. But I have my Prelims, like the Monday...
  18. bawd

    James Ruse Agricultural High

    I heard James Ruse kicks out students who are not achieving as well as they are expected of as a JR student? Explains why they are able to maintain their rank.
  19. bawd

    UNSW Open day.

    IMO, it's only okay if the Year w/e student actually wants to go to the open day. And in my opinion it's better if they go alone, without nagging parents. Most of the parents (I don't think they're postgraduates, pretty sure they're just loving and caring parents) I've seen at the USyd/UTS open...
  20. bawd

    Looking to buy a Laptop; Should I get a Mac OS or stick with a Windows OS?

    Thanks. Should've just googled it myself. Another question - should I get a laptop or a desktop? I was certain of a laptop at the beginning, but people are telling me to get a Mac desktop instead (no idea why), so now I'm confused again.