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  1. E

    Honestly Need Desperate Help

    Thank you so much that really helped its just that with all the techniques and all this type of language and forms used by Benigni how do I structure the essay to include everything Or do I simply use the technqiues necessary to the inner journey necessary. Thanks alot this was a great...
  2. E

    Inner Journey Characteristics

    Can someone please tell me what the actual characteristics of an inner journey are please.. Regards, Needing Help
  3. E

    Honestly Need Desperate Help

    Hi Im doing Life is Beautiful for Inner Journeys and after watching the film I realized that they're is no way this could be an inner journey over a physical or imaginative journey. He uses his imagination to protect his offspring. Someone please help because I cant get my head around...
  4. E

    Young Writers Showcase '05

    Hey can someone please tell me all the people and their schools, that were selected for the Young Writer's Showcase '05 please. Thanks, Eyetalian
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    Italian Continuers Speaking

    Hey everyone. I was wondering if anyone had a list of questions that the examiner would be able to ask you for Italian Continuers Speaking Exam. I would be so happy if anyone could please respond. Regards, Eyetalian P.S My email if necessary is or if you...
  6. E

    Italian Continuers

    If anyone has any Italian Continuers exams, notes or anything at all that they would like to share please post it here or email it to: Thanks, Grazie Eyetalian
  7. E

    2005 Board Of Studies Official Showcase

    Hey When Does the young writers showcase 2005 come out for purchase in 2006.
  8. E

    Conversation Resources: Beginners

    I am refering to the questions like You walk into a gelateria - say hi to the owner - introduce your friend - say you want tw choc ice creams NOT THE QUESTIONS Like Do you play tennis on Saturday? I am doing French Beginners where there are only Items no conversation...
  9. E

    Conversation Resources: Beginners

    Hey I just wanted to clarify something. Before you go and complete the actaul speaking exam are you given the 5 or 6 items/situations 15 minutes prior to the examination in order for you to practice. Or are you in the room and then they ask you a question. Also with each item is it better...
  10. E

    UAI Scaling

    My teacher for Eng Ext 1 was expalin that if you get a band E4 then it basically counts as 100% for the HSC. How does this work, when calculating UAI's do you alter marks after scaling has been done. Whats going on? How does it work?
  11. E

    French Or Italian Tutor Needed

    Any French or Italian HSC tutor available please reply I need help. Email me
  12. E

    French Beginners Speaking

    How can I study for the beginners speaking test using the whole syllabus tihng becasue I also do italian contiunuers and I couldnt do the speaking test for the Italian Beginners HSC after year 10. Please Help. Do I use Syllabus or not? Aaron