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  1. N

    Uni degrees

    I don't even want to do law lol
  2. N

    BCS theory

    Hi peeps, just did a practice paper for this topic based on the BCS theory. I had a crack at it but ain't sure if I'm right. The question is; The BCS theory seeks to explain superconductivity. This theory involves discussion of electron pairs. Identify two unusual properties of these...
  3. N

    Need Help!!

    Hi Guys, got a couple of question which I have no idea about. Can you please help?? Thanks
  4. N

    Exp. Growth/ Decay help!!

    yeh got it now, thanks mate :)
  5. N

    Uni degrees

    haha i was considering it, but i want to do a double degree ahaha
  6. N

    Exp. Growth/ Decay help!!

    For part (iii), how do u go get dP/dt = P^2 (1000-P/P)? Everything above I get.
  7. N

    Exp. Growth/ Decay help!!

    So for part (iii), do u just use quotient rule to differentiate and go from there? All makes sense now, thanks heaps!!
  8. N

    Uni degrees

    cool thanks guys :)
  9. N

    Simple Harmonic Motion; help needed!

    ok cool, thanks a lot :P
  10. N

    Exp. Growth/ Decay help!!

    Can someone help with 17?, I seem to be half right on all. All help appreciated :)
  11. N

    Uni degrees

  12. N

    Simple Harmonic Motion; help needed!

    Ur a legend! thanks champion!! But why pick 10, can it be any number or is it 10, since i amplitude, then 10-4=6, therefore x=6?
  13. N

    Uni degrees

    So basically B Business (Finance) e.g. UTS and B Commerce (Finance) e.g. UNSW are the same yeh?
  14. N

    Simple Harmonic Motion; help needed!

    Hey guys, this is a really easy question however I aint getting it right, may someone please help me. A body in SHM has an amplitude of 10m and period of 10 s. How long would it take for body to travel from one of its extremities of its path of motion to a point 4 metres away? I got 1.85s, but...
  15. N

    Uni degrees

    So say if I did a B Business degree at UTS, and I chose Finance as my major, would it be the same as doing B Commerce (Finance) at USYD, UNSW, Mq uni etc. Hence, if I wanted to pursue a career in Banking/Finance/Investment, would a business degree with major in Finance be applicable?
  16. N

    Uni degrees

    Can someone please tell me the differences between a B Business degree at UTS for instance and a B Commerce degree at say like USYD, UNSW, mq uni etc?? Say if I was to major in finance, would ie be different for either one? Thanks :P
  17. N

    Business and/or engineering at UTS

    ok cool, is there a difference between a b business degree at uts and a b commerce degree at unsw, usyd, mq uni. etc. Like would studying a finance major in either one would different in any way(s)?
  18. N

    Polynomials question- help please!!!

    yeh my bad for 2 (b), b it meant to be greater than or equal to -1/2 or less than or equal to 1/2. question 2 is done right, still don't get how u did it though... How do u do 1?
  19. N

    Business and/or engineering at UTS

    wat r u planning on doing once graduating (if you've considered it at all). How is enginnering so far? How much do you need btw? 86 or even 81 (with bonus points)
  20. N

    Polynomials question- help please!!!

    Hey peeps, just a couple of question I'm unsure with. 1. A monic cubic polynomial when divided by x^2 +4 leaves a remainder of x + 8 and when divided by x leaves a remainder of -4. Find the polynomial in the form ax^3 + bx^2 + cx +d =0 (I know that a=1 ;given and d =-4) (Answer: x^3 - 3x^2...