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  1. S

    Hsc qu

    Start your "drawing board" by having a a go at my three questions. I promise to give you positive feedback! Sam
  2. S

    Hsc qu

    Actually the answer is D A is wrong as no data parameter is passed to "Enter Customer Name and Address" B is wrong as control parameters are not passed to any module (they are returned from 2 modules). C is wrong as it's around the wrong way. Actually "Store Customer Data" repeatedly...
  3. S

    Information Processes and Technology 2004 Independent Trial Exam-Multiple Choice

    The answer is B. Notice the question asks for the statement which is NOT true. A. is true, as there is no WHERE clause, hence all records are retrieved. B. is false, because executing an SQL statement does not alter the order in which the records are STORED. C. is true, as these are the...
  4. S

    Information Processes and Technology 2004 Independent Trial Exam-Multiple Choice

    Actually I wrote the question... and its covered in my IPT Prelim text (and will be in my IPT HSC text when I finish the damn thing!) HTH Sam P.S. * waves back *
  5. S


    Specifying an index on a field causes the DBMS to maintain a sort order on that field. The records are not physically sorted on the field, rather an index is created with the field so that sorting is greatly simplified. For example, in a Client table, ClientID may be the primary key that...
  6. S

    Information Processes and Technology 2004 Independent Trial Exam-Multiple Choice

    It's irrelevant how many of each item they ordered the important thing is that they ordered TWO different products. Therefore two records are added to the ProductsOrdered table. 1 record = 4+4+8+2 = 18 bytes So 2 records requires 36 bytes which is answer C. HTH Sam
  7. S

    Information Processes and Technology 2004 Independent Trial Exam-Multiple Choice

    In regard to Q5... 5. All nodes on a LAN are connected to a central device. The central device diverts data packets to their precise destination. What is the name given to the central device? (A) hub. (B) switch. (C) router. (D) bridge. The question says all the nodes are on a LAN...
  8. S

    Information Processes and Technology 2004 Independent Trial Exam-Multiple Choice

    In regard to Q15... 1200 baud means 1200 signal events occur every second. 9600 bps means every second 9600 ones and zeros are transmitted. Therefore, 9600/1200 = 8 bits are transferred with each signal event. Now, there are 2^8=256 different combinations of 8 bits. Therefore, there...
  9. S

    Visual Basic Help

    In your code you have... txtInput.ForeColor = RGB(0, 0, 0) and other variants for other colours. This changes the color of the text in the textbox, I'd say this should be... .Forecolor = RGB(...) So it refers to the printer object referred to by your With Printer... End With block...
  10. S

    Label.caption decimal place

    Your code is correct and should work in VB. What event are you using to fire this code? I suspect the code is not executing (or maybe the labels are being set after this code has executed). HTH Sam
  11. S

    Help with software questions....

    There are two types of internal documentation commonly used - comments and intrinsic documentation. Intrinsic documentation means 'self documenting code'. Examples of self documenting code include: * the use of meaningful variable names (e.g. 'dblAverage' rather than 'a' - the name of the...
  12. S

    Program Vs. Systems testing

    The program (software) is just one part of a total operational system. The program is tested throughout its design and implementation to ensure its logic/syntax is correct and solves the problem (ie. all the testing during planning, design and implementation). For example, specific test data is...
  13. S

    Two's complement and sign modulus

    Read the bottom of page 338 and top of page 339 - should give you a starting point for an answer. HTH Sam
  14. S

    Teaching yourself SDD.

    Let me know which dot points are not covered and I'll try to clarify/help? (Mind you the Social and Ethical Issues stuff is not exactly one of my strong areas of expertise). HTH Sam
  15. S

    HSC 2003 Q22 b) ii)

    Cardinslot is a boolean variable. Therefore if Cardinslot is false the condition becomes NOT false, which is true so the body of the loop is executed. Within the loop Cardinslot is set to true if a card is shoved in the slot. As a consequence the WHILE condition is NOT true, which is false...
  16. S

    HSC 2003 Q22 b) ii)

    I'd ignore this question. In my opinion it is badly worded, unclear and should never have been included in an HSC exam. Here's my comments from last year (if you're interested)... Hi everyone, Some comments on 22(b)(ii) in the SDD HSC. Exam committee members, please take these...
  17. S


    Random access files allow you to jump to a particular record using its index. In a sense you view the file as an array of records. You don't need to iterate through each record if you know the required record's index. This applies to both reading and writing. In general something like...
  18. S


    Sequential files are just a continuous stream of data. The file does not contain information about the record structure but the code accessing the file may well read and write fields. In this question it is reasonable to assume that the file can be read one data item at a time. That is, some...
  19. S


    This is defintely the best of your two defintions, however... Your use of the terms "receives" and "sends" reads strangely to me (although I suspect many texts do use these terms). A hub does nothing more than connect all the nodes together. Therefore once a message is placed on any wire it...
  20. S


    I'd go for structured. It's a very specialised module where all the requirements are known prior to development comencing. The solution will require minimal user intervention, hence most of the advantages of prototyping will not be realised. RAD is unlikely to be possible as the hardware is...