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  1. bawd

    Homosexuality in Australia

    HIV/AIDS started because a human being had sex with an ape, not because a man fell in love with another man. Homosexuality/Bisexuality =/= Funny voice, funny clothes + whatever bullshit the media seem to assert and most definitely does not equal AIDS. You've got to move past such stupid...
  2. bawd

    Italian sunbathers ignore drowned gypsy girls' bodies

    Man, the twenty first society is still officially fucked. I cannot believe people would behave in such a manner. Where did such a deep-seated disdain for Gypsies start anyway? I must go and wikipedia this.
  3. bawd

    Man beheads passenger on Bus ride.

    Not enough details known yet, as it is very recent and police haven't finished the interrogations and the crim hasn't been psychoanalysed. I'll update this thread if more information comes out.
  4. bawd

    Dozens blinded looking for Virgin Mary in the Sun

    Stupid, stupid, stupid. + lololololololol I like to stick to the notion that the Virgin Mary may turn up as a burned oil stain on my pancake.
  5. bawd

    Man beheads passenger on Bus ride.

    Maybe he was an orphan?
  6. bawd

    Man beheads passenger on Bus ride.

    Don't worry. Obama will fix America. And I think bigboyjames was joking. (I hope, anyway) And please, keep to the topic of the stabbing, gutting and beheading killer. :)
  7. bawd

    does ANYBODY enjoy their text for english?

    Not a prescribed text for us, but loved 1984.
  8. bawd

    Man beheads passenger on Bus ride.

    Pædophile/Paedophile bigboyjames - I believe in the notion of filial piety.
  9. bawd

    maths help

    Re: 4 unit maths???????/ I reckon you can do 4 unit if you can get your 2 unit mark about 95%+, since it is assumed 4 unit students will score 100% in the 2 unit paper. I'd also work on getting my 3 unit paper above the 85% mark, 90% even to be sure. However, your rankings seem pretty good...
  10. bawd

    Man beheads passenger on Bus ride.

    Don't worry, I don't. Rather, I feel sorry for your children lolololol. :)
  11. bawd

    Man beheads passenger on Bus ride.

    lol. You poor soul. :)
  12. bawd

    Man beheads passenger on Bus ride.

    The US is the only first world country that still uses capital punishment. I find it too severe sometimes to legally kill a criminal, especially if they have committed a crime which could be considered 'petty' in comparison to other crimes. Serial killers and the like should spend the rest of...
  13. bawd

    Man beheads passenger on Bus ride.

    I hope he decapitates you when he gets out. lolololol. Jokes!! :) He must have had a psychotic moment. From the description of the article however, he fits the profile of a sociopath.
  14. bawd

    Man beheads passenger on Bus ride.

    Yes, a big Rambo-type knife.
  15. bawd

    CHRISTIAN THE LION REUNION - Amazing Story + Video

    Yeah lololol. The video was filmed during the time and it was legal then, which is probably why it is so casual. I want a baby Panda and Tiger. I wish I lived in the psychotic 60's. :)
  16. bawd

    Man beheads passenger on Bus ride.

    When a man is able to decapitate another man on a bus ride home, you know there is something wrong with this world. Read the entire article here.
  17. bawd

    CHRISTIAN THE LION REUNION - Amazing Story + Video

    Such things were legal back then. The crazy 60's.
  18. bawd

    twilight series

    Harry Potter is definitely > Twilight. HP is more imaginative than Twilight and actually created visual imagery in my head, whereas Twilight was just bleh, bleh, bleh. Congratulations to Stephanie Meyer and being able to join the make-money-selling-bad-lit club. I like Harry Potter (except...
  19. bawd

    mathemagic computer tutor LOL

    Man... I think I signed up for the demo 2 months ago when I was struggling with Maths. They called me about a week ago (which is wayyy too late) and some high pitched woman was trying to convince me to let them do the demo. I said no because I already signed up for another computer tutoring...
  20. bawd

    Jamie Oliver's Eat to Save Your Life

    Good for you. :) I think that 25 stone man was a bit of an exaggerated example of what might happen though.