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  1. Serius

    Jesus christ what happened to this bird? [PIC]

    looks shopped. Even if it actually happened, the bird wouldnt have survived for that much longer, and even if it did survive the next few hours, infection would get it.
  2. Serius

    bfs parents is making my life hell

    No, he is right, my parents are totally laid back and stuff, but often they forget that i am an adult and i can make my own decisions. one time my mum was making fun of one of my best friends in a mean way [she doesnt like him and doesnt hide it], i waited till he was out of the car then i...
  3. Serius

    Raped by her uncle, but can she have an abortion?

    are you a doctor? do you have any idea what you are talking about? it is actually quite possible for a 12 year old to give birth, my mum sees them every now and then, yes there are often complications, but it is far from impossible, and the idea of mother and baby dying is absurd, this is 2008...
  4. Serius

    A mans "new" role...?

    I usually pay, with friends as well as dates. i guess i probably do it more with girls, but even when i am out with just male friends i usually buy a round or two. Someone i know believes you are paying for the company, they might not have all that much money, so you [generously] pay for things...
  5. Serius


    Re: 回复: Re: 回复: Re: DotA pretty sure thats right as of the latest version, in older ones you had to buy hood first, never drop it or even move it in you inventory then get spell shield ability. The way i play heroes though, like magina already has the spell shield, what he lacks is hp and...
  6. Serius


    pretty decent show, but i hope it doesnt just turn into one of those normal forensic crime shows except with a token murder at the end
  7. Serius

    Big Brother Australia AXED

    But see, you could apply a similiar argument to south park, dumb people like it because they enjoy the toilet humour and kids swearing and such, the inteligient humour in it like social commentary escapes them. Is south park a dumb show? my mum would think so, because she doesnt enjoy toilet...
  8. Serius


    Re: 回复: Re: DotA As the game constantly gets tweaked and new heroes added, heroes that used to be good suddenly become worthless, and previously shit heroes are now good. Sniper used to be thought of as pretty shit, until people realised you could stack attack speed and basically perma stun...
  9. Serius

    Big Brother Australia AXED

    I am a psych student, human interactions in a closed environment is interesting to me.
  10. Serius

    Does God exist?

    "you arent a christian so you arent allowed to question our ways"
  11. Serius

    Big Brother Australia AXED

    Ive enjoyed big brother over the years, but the idea has been getting stale, this season was barely worth watching. I like the idea of a new big brother type concept. I hope its really hard and edgy reality tv, big brother originally tried to come off as new and edgy but now they need to up the...
  12. Serius

    pope to apologise for sex scandal

    because they can fuck whoever they want, they dont have to be celebate
  13. Serius

    Best Techno/Dance/House music (song or album) EVER!!!

    I dont know that much about hardstyle, all ive heard that i thought was pretty good is dj isaac showtek the prophet and tatanka i guess hardstyle masterz are ok aswell[ only liked one song though] its definetely an area of music i wouldnt mind exploring, but right now i prefer trance...
  14. Serius


    he doesnt match my play style, whats the problem? also notice how i said that over 2 years ago? the game has changed considerably, and you would know that if you had been playing as long as me. I can play a damn good zeus if i need to, he is a good teamwork character [especially his ulti and...
  15. Serius

    pope to apologise for sex scandal

    at least its a start...those rich fucks should also have to hand out some fucking compensation
  16. Serius


    every hero is good depending on the matchup [except clockwerk, he is rubbish atm lol] I can play every hero decently, but about half the heroes i am really excellent with i find boring to play... i am very good with pushing heroes and usually win the game, but i find hero killing and group...
  17. Serius

    If your girl or boyfriend wouldn't have sex...

    It would depend on a lot of things, if they just didn't want to have sex right away, thats understandable. If they are waiting for marriage, then they are not the sort of person i want to see. If they are waiting for the right person, then after say 6 months i would be worried that they dont see...
  18. Serius

    Why is elvis still famous?

    Oh yeah, if you use this as a quotation in your pip, or any part of it whatsoever i want to be properly acknowledged...
  19. Serius

    best way to break up

    sleep with one of her good friends, or if you can manage it, her sister, or for maximum ownage, her mum... then get that person to break up with her for you, that way you get still get sex, you dont have to break up with her in person and you alienate her from social support.
  20. Serius

    tre iphone released in AU July 11

    what an overpriced piece of shit... lacks features, outdated technolodgy, and shitty SHITTY plans from all providers in aus. If there was a decent vodophone plan i would have considered it, but fuck it theres better options out there.