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  1. Serius

    Raped by her uncle, but can she have an abortion?

    thats a question that only a doctor who has seen her could answer. Generally if she can ovulate there is a good chance she can give birth, there will be complications though. The reason why i see it as black and white is because if you are pro choice that means you support the mothers right to...
  2. Serius

    Raped by her uncle, but can she have an abortion?

    Why those three reasons? The third is pretty self explanatory, but i dont really see why abortion is ok is those other 2 when no harm is going to come to the baby. As i see it, with a topic like this you should either be all in or all out, either say that the fetus has a right to live[due to...
  3. Serius

    Physychological strategies

    your question doesnt make sense, you have made no reference to any specific psychology school of thought, no reference to what "strategies' [incredibly broad term] you are talking about, what sort of beginer and n what, and what stages of learning we are talking about.
  4. Serius

    Drunk Person Question (Important)

    hah i was gonna say "stupid 08ers" about Gerald10 and thread starter, but now you show me some have a clue
  5. Serius

    Raped by her uncle, but can she have an abortion?

    well really, i am not sure what the circumstances have to do with anything if we are talking about the babies right to live, its not its fault the father was a rapist and the baby is still half the mothers. Its a pretty emotional topic though and i guess iam pretty much pro baby killing, just...
  6. Serius

    Time Travel, is it possible...?

    well of course, we are traveling through time right now!. serious answer: you could 'travel into the future" with some sort of cryogenic technolodgy like in futurama. You could use time dilation with the theory of relativity, travel really really fast [i.e near speed of light] to another star...
  7. Serius

    Drunk Person Question (Important)

    it shouldnt really effect it, read up on how a breathalyzer works, you need to either have alcohol in your blood stream, or have just put alcohol in your mouth[i.e mouthwash or having a sip] They would have to be very drunk and you would need to consume an incredible amount of their saliva for...
  8. Serius

    women with boobs

    who has seen what happens in vegas with cameron diaz? whats that bra she wears?
  9. Serius

    Raped by her uncle, but can she have an abortion?

    what about outside the uterus? should we be able to kill a retard because its not viable, it cant get food for itself or function in society?
  10. Serius

    introducing bf/gf to his/her parents

    This still happens? i have always just met my girlfriends parents by randomly showing up to pick her up or something and seeing them and saying hi, not some sort of big sit down "meet the parents" style dinner and such. Just act like a normal person and dont say anything bad to her in front of...
  11. Serius

    Final Exams - 50% pass minimum, stupid?

    exams are a shit way to assess people, thats why most subjects now assess with other stuff like essays and assignments. Anyways, most of my classes its 45% pass mark. If you cant manage around 50% then you obviously havent tried very hard, just the simple fact of going to your lectures [not even...
  12. Serius

    How Do i Stop...

    Get a hobby, be more social and do stuff so you arent bored. Take your bedroom door off its hinges. Dont stop, just cut it down to a couple of times a week, if you have a massive porn collection then get rid of it so you actually have to go to the effort of finding porn
  13. Serius

    the US is not a democracy.

    I would define democracy as a system of government in which every citizen has the right to vote on legislation. What we have is representive democracy because i dont get to vote on every peice of legislation. Also, not every citizen is allowed to vote, criminals for instance whilst still being...
  14. Serius

    Need help choosing WoW character

    game not balanced around 1v1...most of that is just class. With my warlock i could beat just about anybody in a duel because you get to know who you are fighting and get out the right pet.
  15. Serius

    Apple Store to open on June 19!!!

    wouldnt mind going inside, i dont even own any apple products
  16. Serius

    Renting a place..

    look on uni sites if you want to find rental accomodation with young people, you really should specify which city/uni you are going to be near so we can help you. For instance in wollongong i know there are alot of 1 person flats for about $150 a week or 2 room flats for $200ish a week in the...
  17. Serius

    Need help choosing WoW character

    1) Hard to kill? no, unless you roll shadowpreist, in which case still pretty easy 2) Highly needed/sought out in groups? no, only needed for healing[1 needed per group of 5] and a pally/druid/shaman fill this roll much better as they can off tank and dps aswell, group is usually 1 tank, 1...
  18. Serius

    Rules for Fat People

    ive put on maybe 10kg over the last 2 1/2 years, since i finished school i havent been really active, havent played soccer anymore or anything and i started drinking beer alot. I plan to lose this extra fat and get a lot bigger by working out over the next 6 months
  19. Serius

    Officer kills man who beat child to death

    Because a gun is a serious weapon, all officers are trained so that if they ever have to draw their weapon and fire it, they are shooting to kill. What i wonder is why all the other passersby didnt stop this lunatic, i would have taken my club lock to his head....maybe then the kid would still...
  20. Serius

    Funny ad about the importance of safe sex.

    seen it so many times before... notice when it was added? 2005. Old news is old