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  1. B

    Beware: PwC

    What's your source? My internship hasn't been revoked, I'd assume they'd tell us to go before the graduates (I think it was shortened by a week though).
  2. B

    UTS B business

    Everyone here will say do commerce at UNSW/USYD if you can, unless you're aiming to transfer into UTS bus/law as it will be easier than doing it through USYD/UNSW. /end thread
  3. B

    Big 4 Accounting Firms Internships 2008

    ^_^ Happy to be wrong then.
  4. B

    Big 4 Accounting Firms Internships 2008

    I think the OP was referring to summer interns --> no we don't get paid, we're casuals i.e. we don't accrue annual /sick leave but we earn a higher rate of pay per $. Even then, it's not compulsory to take paid annual leave around christmas time if some one doesn't want to - it's just...
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    Big 4 Accounting Firms Internships 2008

    I was thinking more a long the lines of whether I'll have to accept the offer within a certain time period, stopping me from applying for grad jobs any where else. What division are you in?
  6. B

    Big 4 Accounting Firms Internships 2008

    If we get offered a grad job after summer vac, what are the conditions with the offer? I'm mainly concerned with if I want to transfer to another division, apply for other jobs etc
  7. B

    Does anyone actually like audit?

    Whilst big4/accounting might not be nearly as competitive as finance (which I admit it isn't) it still is very competitive - I know dozens of people with out internships this summer. There are plenty of accounting jobs out there, but quality ones such as big4, mid-tier and certain private...
  8. B

    Does anyone actually like audit?

    This + "There are no poor accountants" (Yet to work in big4, but will be starting soon - am infinitely more interested in a finance career like the OP)
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    Which is the best uni for business/commerce/economics?

    Re: best uni for business? USYD/UNSW UTS/Macquarie Rest /thread
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    Learning the engrish, i sea?
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    Study Dilemma

    I disagree based on the opinion of a finance tutor at UNSW who I respect very much and also looking through the sample papers. Any BComm acct/fins graduate should be able to pass if they spend all summer putting in a solid amount of study, especially if they do complimentary acct/fin subjects...
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    Study Dilemma

    To the above posters giving advice, do you think it would be beneficial for the OP to attempt the CFA level 1 exam (hopefuly pass) to remedy his poor marks?
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    Big 4 Accounting Firms Internships 2008

    I'm 99% sure in my EY application I had "Deloitte" once in there, cause I saved all my answers before I submitted them in a word document. Still got to the assessment centre though so maybe I just suck at saving my answers in a word doc.
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    (Advanced Bus Leadership) at UWS versus Bach of Commerce USYD/Maq

    In order to be eligible for the CA program, most (if not all) accounting majors do a Business/Commercial Law minor (or in this case, major) to satisfy subject pre-reqs. I can't really imagine any one doing it for any other reason -_-
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    General Education (Gen Ed) FAQ

    Is anyone currently doing Brave New World?
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    uai for economics

    Nice pink signature, hypocrite. If you're dead set on doing 2 non-econ majors, just transfer to a BComm after your first year, as long as you get a high C avg you should be fine (and 1st year BComm/BEco is the easiest of all first year undergrad degrees!).
  17. B

    Graduate pay At the bottom, Professional Practice, although it's a bit old (2006). I was more curious in finding the graduate salaries across the big4 as opposed to the different service lines/levels. EDIT: I...
  18. B

    Big 4 Accounting Firms Internships 2008

    Good work, I hear they ride vacationers around the office like horses there. ^_^ jks