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  1. C

    Economics versus Political Economy

    hey Thanks for your reply. Why do I need the department permission for enrolment of this course? (Political Economy Exchange).
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    Economics versus Political Economy

    Hey, I got one question about Political Economy. On the website: It show us all the subjects we can do, and the online handbook for arts '09', (for political economy) has senior electives courses Eg...
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    Economics versus Political Economy

    Hey Triangulum, thanks for your reply.
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    Economics versus Political Economy

    I thought Political Economy was in Table A, and Economics in B. So we can't do Economics as major? Can i do Economics as first major and Political economy as second major or minor? or the other way around? I want to do economic as first major and main but it is table B so im not sure if i...
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    Do we need a head of state?

    lol, the assistance from the US was just a military alliance, the British are not dumb to just to give up their own powers. No countries in the world would give up their powers. More troops was needed in Europe, where the real war is. leaving Australia defenseless. Australia then asked the US...
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    Do we need a head of state?

    Yes we do, If we were a republic like the US we do not need a head of state. But because we follow the monoarchy (British) we need a head of state in the parliamentary system. The head of state are chief representative of the monarchic. To answer your question, the head of states has limited of...
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    General Thoughts - Ancient History

    The lycurgus reforms in sparta was the militaristic society and the Spartan government, 2 kings etc. Change the spartan way of life. The higher order students usually contrast it to, before the Lycurgus reform was made and introduced. The spartan society beofre the Lycurgus reform was just...
  8. C

    Try These Multiple Choice Questions :)

    #11. The answer is economic. (B) In economic sense, high employment reflects on businesses performance, calculated through GDP. The growth of the business, means profit and selling more goods and services which increases Gross domestic product (GDP) and improve in the movement of the economy...