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  1. housah0lic

    The Greatest Book Ever Written

    that extra half an inch - victoria beckham
  2. housah0lic

    Most ANNOYING things when Driving

    i just hate people that speed up when i'm trying to change lanes in front of them and there would be plenty of room for me it's a mad piss off. i know how to fucking drive and i'm doing the same speed as you, motherlicker.
  3. housah0lic

    best way to dump a guy?

    that's fucking gay. so how do i dump my guy when there's nothing wrong with him.
  4. housah0lic

    best way to dump a guy?

    i don't know what l33t is.
  5. housah0lic

    best way to dump a guy?

    si si
  6. housah0lic

    best way to dump a guy?

    stazi how the fuck do you do it
  7. housah0lic

    Worst TV Show(s)

    date my mom is just so bad so so fucking bad
  8. housah0lic

    Sexual Fantasy

    darling ;)
  9. housah0lic

    Att Fatties: Good work on getting blue cheese banned

    blue cheese could never be banned i'm moving to france so i don't care anyway mmm blue cheese dressing
  10. housah0lic

    does anyone not drink

    you drink drive you motherfucker? hates fuckwits that drink drive
  11. housah0lic

    the pill

    you're freaked over that? i'm excited at the prospect of having very slow hair growth lol. but ive got pimples and shit :(:(:(
  12. housah0lic

    Wog girls --> most bitchy?

    greek bitchez at my school fucking wogs can't stand em
  13. housah0lic

    the pill

    is anyone on diane 35? how long was it before you see results? i finish my first pack tonight so it's only been about three weeks for me. if anything, my skin is getting worse. but the hair on my right thigh is growing heaps slower lol
  14. housah0lic

    does anyone not drink

    i'm seriously interested lol. i'm researching now! and exactly. gotta love the fucking alcohol. pussy wanks *ohmg it's so bad not remembering and passing out etc etc* you losers need a damn drink.
  15. housah0lic

    does anyone not drink

    interesting eh
  16. housah0lic

    People putting down food tech

    lol food tech it's easy peasy guys still shit and i'm still embarassed to tell people i did it, despite scoring quite well.
  17. housah0lic

    Rules for Customers

    people who wave shit like money and cards in my face while i'm still scanning and packing really piss me off. don't do it. and when i practically yell at you to swipe your card, don't just lay it on the bench and pretend like you're doing something else! is it that god damn hard. and...
  18. housah0lic

    why are arab countries such shit holes?

    i'm well aware, darling.
  19. housah0lic

    why are arab countries such shit holes?

    it's fucking lovely, ok!