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  1. M

    Raw mark predictions

    can someone please upload the paper
  2. M

    General Thoughts: Business Studies

    can someone please upload the paper
  3. M

    Section I - Multiple Choice

    can someone please upload the paper
  4. M

    My big fat Greek wedding overused????

    peter skryznecki
  5. M

    movie "submarine" for related text

    heyyy anyone who has watched "submarine" is it a good movie for belonging???
  6. M

    Section I - Multiple Choice

    can someone please upload the paper
  7. M

    My big fat Greek wedding overused????

    Heyyy is da above true?
  8. M

    First day of yr 12

    haha really....we got into the hard work :(
  9. M

    First day of yr 12

    heyyyy how was everyone's first day of yr 12???
  10. M

    Whatdo u need case studies for??

    HEY GUYS :D wat exactly do you need case studies for?? do they need to target specific dot points?
  11. M

    Preliminary Yearly Marks + first day of year twelve

    GOOD LUCK!!! OMG excited but also very nervous
  12. M

    anyone ready to start yr 12???

    yhhh same....keeping 12 units n see how i go
  13. M

    anyone ready to start yr 12???

    lol ive had 3 parties in one week :(
  14. M

    anyone ready to start yr 12???

    any tips u would like to share?
  15. M

    anyone ready to start yr 12???

    thank you :D gud luck to u too!!! dw da hard work will pay off
  16. M

    anyone ready to start yr 12???

    yhhh trying to relax the last few days :D
  17. M

    anyone ready to start yr 12???

    wat subjects r u studying?
  18. M

    anyone ready to start yr 12???

    wow nice!!! um hopefully b of com at macquarie :D aiming for 81
  19. M

    anyone ready to start yr 12???

    same!!!! final year guna work hard :D wat r u aiming for??