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  1. G

    Thesis on conflicting perspectives: Review Please?

    Thanks Buriza, yeah, while i can't use your revised thesis, i like how you increased its modality, and will definitely take that into consideration in my deliberation
  2. G

    Thesis on conflicting perspectives: Review Please?

    So yeah, I'm trying to write a stock standard thesis that I can apply to [hopefully] any question. Conflicting perspectives provide a series of disparate viewpoints to influence and inform audiences to contrive an individual and valid assessment of texts. It is the responsibility of the...
  3. G

    Introduction on the fall of the republic.

    So we've just received an essay question in class; Evaluate the role of indiciduals in the weakening of the republic to 49 BC. In your response you must refer, in detail, to the actions and intentions of Pompey and ONE of Crassus or Cisero. And i would be very grateful if someone could...
  4. G

    Review my Thesis for Module B Speeches?

    Hey, so we've just gotten an assessment task for speeches, and we have to discuss this line (with reference to the texts of course); "Speeches are consciously designed to present particular ideas or values which seep into the audience's consciousness and stay there." And this is my thesis...
  5. G

    Help on my letter to board of Studies retaining Crime as an elective?

    Hey, so for extension english we have to write a letter to the board of studies complaining about their decision to cut crime genre from the syllabus. In it we have to use Rear Window as a text, and draw upon our knowledge of crime fiction. Here's mine. Any critique would be great To: The...
  6. G

    Critique on my belonging creative text

    Hey, for English we've been asked to do a creative piece of writing for belonging. Mine's pretty abstract but any comments on it would be great. The line we had to work with was: It’s okay to stand out to be different. Isn’t it? Anyway, here's mine. Belonging: It’s okay to stand out to be...
  7. G

    Help on my essay showing parralels between Shakespeare and Looking for Richard?

    Hey, im just doing a practise question for the 2012 Module A question, comparing Richard III and Looking for Richard. The question is: Our interest in the parallels between King Richard III and Looking for Richard is further enhanced by consideration of their marked differences in textual form...
  8. G

    Assistance in writing an introduction to the comparative study of Richard III

    Hey, im just doing a practise question for the 2012 Module A question, comparing Richard III and Looking for Richard. The question is: Our interest in the parallels between King Richard III and Looking for Richard is further enhanced by consideration of their marked differences in textual form...