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  1. U

    where can I find the lecture notes of COMP1911?

    Most COMP Courses don't use BlackBoard. Try
  2. U

    UNSW new building

    The Tyree Energy Technologies Building (TETB) is the new home of energy research at the University of New South Wales. This landmark, 6-Star energy-efficient building will be a state-of-the-art powerhouse of world-leading research, education and industry collaboration in the development and...
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    UNSW new building

    There are some on our Facebook page and to see how the campus has changed:
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    We don't have a generalist Engineering Degree, but we do offer a Flexible First Year that allows you to transfer into most Engineering Degrees at the beginning of second year.
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    Engineering at UNSW - computing 1A??

    It depends on which Engineering major you are doing, and also if you want to take more COMP Courses later in your degree. COMP1917 is scheduled for S2 as well:
  6. U

    No idea actually!

    No idea actually!
  7. U

    Engineering at UNSW - computing 1A??

    Also, tomorrow is the day that you can come in to get enrolment advice:
  8. U

    Engineering at UNSW - computing 1A??

    If you are interested in studying further COMP Courses later in your degree, it will be an advantage to take COMP1917. While it is possible to do this from COMP1911, you will need to take an extra Course, and this will slow you down a bit. You can enrol in COMP1917 and then, if it is too...
  9. U

    Comp Sci Maths & Electives

    There is also a pdf at which shows each Faculty's Enrolment Advisory Day (Maths, which is a part of Science, and Computer Science, which is a part of Engineering, are both tomorrow).
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    Racial spread

    "There are more than 52,000 students currently studying at UNSW including over 11,000 international students, from 120 countries." That makes it around 21%. We don't track where students' parents were born. However, according...
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    UNSW commerce/engineering

    If you get offered a place in Eng/Com, you will need to specify your Engineering discipline when you enrol, so no, it doesn't mean that you are automatically in the Flexible First Year program. If you drop Commerce, it will depend on your Engineering discipline as to how quickly you will be...
  12. U

    Elite Students Scheme-UNSW Engineering

    The new page is at Students admitted to an Engineering program with a ATAR (or equivalent) greater than 98 will be invited to join the Elite Students Scheme. See the page for more...
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    ATAR for comp sci.

    A lot goes into your selection with FEAS, so it's hard to let you know your chances. FEAS is relevant for applicants with an ATAR from 81.00-90.95, but from there it will depend on your individual subject results and the interview. A few other things in this thread:- Physics: required for...
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    Co-op scholarhip

    Direct entry Co-Op students will need the minimum ATAR for their Co-Op Program. However, if any places become available later, they will rely on the students marks at UNSW rather than their ATAR.
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    COMP1911 or 1917?

    I'm the student liaison person :) COMP1911/1917 share a common timetable to help people switch if needed, so unfortunately, if you clash with one, you clash with both!
  16. U

    COMP1911 or 1917?

    Helping where we can!
  17. U

    UNSW Enrolments and Timetables

    You might like to try this tool to work out your timetables:
  18. U

    BIT or Comp Sci?

    Graduates from Computing and BIT mostly end up in different roles, so it's not right to say one is more employable than the other. We just finished our annual salary survey of graduating students: Average: $78,705. Median: $70,000!
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    COMP1911 or 1917?

    We would advise you to consider COMP1917 as you will learn more and be stretched. BUT - you need to consider the amount of time that you need to to devote to the core component of your degree and be aware that COMP1917 is intensive - student who don't need to take COMP1917 should be careful...