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  1. B

    Girl Masturbation..normal?

    masturbating doesn't have any health risk does it? or does it?
  2. B

    Best Way to Settle Arguements???

    ok she went to was 8 pm at night and i came at 8.30 to pik her up becuz i was in chinatown babysitting a friends little nephew and yeah ...she thaught i was woith another girl because i had perfume on...(the nephew sprayed perfume on me)...and yeah she got angry and wat the hell i...
  3. B

    Best Way to Settle Arguements???

    lol I've tried the following: - fucking her but in she didn't seem happy so i stoped -buy her chocolates but she never ate them -roses but they died real fast -fisting her.....she says she can do it herself -take her out to movies...all she does is sleep through the movie but at least she...
  4. B

    Best Way to Settle Arguements???

    ohh bout that....tried that but didn't work out....
  5. B

    Girl Masturbation..normal?

    ...ok u got me there...but u for going out or sex/masturbation together...?
  6. B

    Best Way to Settle Arguements???

    For anyone who is in or had been in a relationship or wateva (basically for whoever) u have any tips for ways to resolve arguments between bf and gf?? Just had an arguemnt with my gf and she seems very upset becuz i 4got to give her a lift home (long story) So, for future reference get down...
  7. B

    Girl Masturbation..normal?

    Perfectly normal for OP to be masturbating...i mean everyine does leats i think so...but yeah its normal...good stress relief makes u feel good...wat more could u ask for??