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    Can a teacher from your school tutor you?

    I heard that apparently, a teacher from your school cannot tutor you. Is it true or is it false?
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    Multiple choice

    i know someone who was rushing his test. Had only 1 minute left and 20 questions to do. He randomly chose his answers and go 10/20. How lucky?
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    arithmetic series problem or maybe trig?

    um i dont know why its on radian, i think my cousins were playing around with it the other day and put it on radian
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    arithmetic series problem or maybe trig?

    oh no how i fix it? EDIT nvm i found out thank you so much guys. I LOVE YOUS lol
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    arithmetic series problem or maybe trig?

    yea i put that in calculator but doenst work either or maybe i am not meant to use calculator?
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    Multiple choice

    i dont think multiple choice is really a good way to test someone as if they dont know the answer, they can guess it and have 25% chance of getting it correct where as short response, you either know it or you dont. You could guess but there are many possible answers?
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    arithmetic series problem or maybe trig?

    it does? when i input it into calculator doesnt seem to work. cos^2 1 = 0.2919 sin^2 89 = 0.7397
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    arithmetic series problem or maybe trig?

    ty so it had nothing to do with arithmetic series? but i tried it, it doesnt seem to work as in, sin^2 1 does not equal to cos^2 89
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    Removal of Softball and Baseball from Olympics

    hey i know this is a long time ago but do you guys think that baseball and softball should be removed from the olympics? In my opinion I do not think so as one reason they suggested is too one sided. If baseball is one sided which it isnt, isnt badminton and table tennis pretty one sided as...
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    World of warcraft

    a group of people i know are playing on private servers
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    Periods per day

    if this was the case for a school that i went to, i seriously hope those 80 minute periods are not boring subjects like IST. I dont know why I chose it b4 haha
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    arithmetic series problem or maybe trig?

    i think its degrees, havent learnt radians hahaha :D
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    People and their nonsense about other schools

    wow i would be happy if i even got near 95 haha :D got a friend who applied for caringbah but didnt make it in :(
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    Periods per day

    i agree but does seem kinda cool :D
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    arithmetic series problem or maybe trig?

    hello all, i just came across a maths question which i have problems doing. Question says, Evaluate cos^2 1 + cos^2 2 + cos^2 3 + ... + cos^2 87 + cos^2 88 + cos^2 89. My first instinct is to treat it like an arithmetic series. So i used formula of n[(a1 + an)/2] = 89(cos^2 1 + cos^2...
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    Periods per day

    i have 6 periods a day, roughly 52 minutes each but on tuesdays, they are only like 45 minutes.
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    People and their nonsense about other schools

    you think you know everything dude, why dont you go and cry to your mum. Probably she doesnt even want to listen to you. I dont need you to believe what I said. I dont need anyone to believe me. It is up to if you believe it or not. Not my problem and what I said is not crap. People do say that...
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    People and their nonsense about other schools

    yeah i heard carginbah did really well b4. Hope they do well again as sometime soon :D
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    Multiple choice

    mc is the worse section there is like 2 correct answers in each question but u have to pick the best one. how lame