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  1. P

    Abortion debate

    First, let's make something abundantly clear. A embryo, foetus or baby is not a "potential" life. It IS a life, no more or less a human than any one of us. I've been clear about this from the beginning - any activity that can create life should be avoided. If you can't create life from your...
  2. P

    Abortion debate

    I see the issue as being analogous to driving a car. It is estimated that every three kilometres we do something that could result in an accident. We manage this risk, but when something Does happen the responsibility must still lie with the driver at fault. If you hit somebody with your car...
  3. P

    Abortion debate

    That's the reason why people like you end up in middle management, and people like me changing the world. You see things as they are. I see things as they Should be, and how society can move towards those goals. That's not to say my views are far removed from reality, but my solutions are long...
  4. P

    Abortion debate

    She executes her reproductive "rights" when she conceives the child. If she didn't want to carry the child, she shouldn't have conceived. If she didn't want to conceive, she shouldn't have committed acts that could result in conception. Assuming that a woman consents to the acts leading to...
  5. P


    You're expected to essentially present a mini concert. You'll also be asked some general questions about the piece, including historical context.
  6. P

    Is it permissible to submit previously-created compositions?

    One idea I used a few semesters ago was to use lyrics my friend had written, and write completely different pieces around them. You could take some motivic material, and do a sort of variations on a theme by treating the material in different ways. There are plenty of options you could explore.
  7. P

    Types of Compositions for Extension Music

    Hah, extension music (composition) is the bludgiest unit in the entire music course. If I were you, I'd avoid pigeonholing yourself into a "style", and focus on doing something "new".
  8. P

    Music 1 and some related questions

    Yeah, music 2 was my bludge subject all those years ago, when the New HSC really was new. My teacher was shocked at how lazily I treated the course (I didn't prepare a Performance work, and did an Improvisation at my Performance exam). If you put in even a Little effort, you can easily get top...
  9. P

    Conservatoriums - GENERAL: Entry, atmosphere, auditions etc.

    Re: BMusCompo Most composers go into academia or teaching. Even professional composers hold second jobs - some in teaching, others in fields completely remote from music. Carl Vine, for example, runs an IT firm.
  10. P

    music tutoring?

    Depends on what Sort of music tuition you need. Your local piano teacher couldn't teach you composition, and it'd be a waste to ask them to.
  11. P

    Music 1 and some related questions

    The requirements for entry at the Con are knowledge in line with Music 2, 5th Grade AMEB Theory/Musicology, and (of course) a high standard in your chosen area of study (Composition, Performance, Musicology, Music Education). You don't actually need to HAVE Music 2 or 5th Grade AMEB Theory - but...
  12. P

    BA students - Fun & Games With Admin Snafus!

    I had all these problems with the prerequisites required for the degree i transferred into. The handbook was incredibly unclear on the issue, so I tried contacting the Arts faculty, who gave me the run-around, kept changing their answers and eventually told me that my plan for the rest of my...
  13. P

    Attention all USyders - VSU Information

    I think it's more disgusting that I can still get food from outside of uni for a better price than I can at uni, even after my member discount. When I was campaigning at Cumberland campus for SRC, I did lunch there, and it proved cheaper as a non-member than the member prices at main campus...
  14. P

    RU486 - Abortion Pill

    Has not been for some time? How can the termination of human life NOT be considered murder? Who the fuck are you to say that a human life is NOT a life? Why don't we just draw the line at the 90th trimester and abort you? You may have more experience, but no more right to life than a child of 3...
  15. P

    RU486 - Abortion Pill

    That's like saying that people should have the right to murder others, as long as we don't commit murder ourselves. In fact, it's not Like saying that, it IS saying that.
  16. P

    Photos for enrolment

    Pretty much.
  17. P

    Attention all USyders - VSU Information

    I'm only one of three founders. There are two others who more than make up for my own shortcomings.
  18. P

    Attention all USyders - VSU Information

    I should have said your superiors on the Liberal executive. Nice people, but they aren't as much students as they are crazy right-wing nutjobs who wouldn't deviate from the Party on ANYTHING.
  19. P

    Attention all USyders - VSU Information

    I accept your arguments, except that "pretence" should probably read "pretext". But it doesn't make wiki's nor my arguments any less valid. The fundamental difference between the ISA and Liberal positions on VSU/USU is simple. ISA believe in a healthy and vibrant student community that forms...
  20. P

    Types of Compositions for Extension Music

    The topic for HSC composition is "Australian Music of the Last 25 Years", and your teachers are likely to tell you this basically gives you carte blanche over whatever you want to write, since some Australian composers Have explored many different traditions. But if you want the best marks, then...