Search results

  1. H

    law at usyd.....

    Why are you all of a sudden interested in law? I thought you have wanted to do journalism for some time now?
  2. H

    When are offers out?

    Until when do we have to confirm our preferences?
  3. H

    PD/H/PE A Big Suprise?

    I got 95. Very pleased.
  4. H

    Low scaling subjects

    The system is fair, you obviously didn't perform well enough. What don't they like about it? By not scaling there is no incentive for people to choose difficult subjects because they will be beaten by all the people, of equal intelligence/hard work, who choose subjects which are easier to...
  5. H

    What do employers think of UWS?

    That's awesome. If you are planning to do criminal law when you graduate, are you more interested in prosecution or Legal Aid?
  6. H

    Here *Comes* the Judge

    Friend sent me this: "Here comes the judge" - Oklahoma judge caught masturbating during murder trial According to the complaint filed by the Oklahoma Attorney General, Judge Donald D. Thompson, 57, was caught in the act by a clerk, trial witnesses, and his longtime court reporter...
  7. H

    UTS v UWS

    Thanks for everyone's input - very much appreciated!! :) Lara, with a 98+ UAI, why did you choose to study at UWS? I applied for the UWS College of Law and Business Academic Excellence Scholarship and the Blacktown City Merit Equity Scholarship. Which two did you get?
  8. H

    UTS v UWS

    For what reason do you want to transfer?
  9. H

    UTS v UWS

    As you are all aware, we just got our UAIs (I got 98.80). Since first applying for uni I have been swapping my first and second preferences and I still can't decide which uni to attend, to study law - UTS or UWS. If I provide some pros and cons of each uni (for me, personally), I was hoping...
  10. H

    who did BAD? I mean not 99.95 or 98.25? i mean like 60s?

    If you used it yesterday you should be aware that SAM does not predict your UAI.
  11. H

    What UAI did you get?

    SAM: 98.50 UAI: 98.80
  12. H

    Premier's Awards

    I should be getting one.
  13. H

    Fat arms

    Can you also explain hoe push-ups work the biceps? Push-ups work the chest, triceps and deltoids.
  14. H

    Fat arms

    Resistance training is anaerobic. Its results in muscular hypertrophy. As I just mentioned in another thread, to suggest that resistance training tones or reduces body fat would be to suggest that spot reduction works (which it doesn't). If you disagree can you please explain...
  15. H

    how can u get toned?

    To burn fat cardio training should be performed at a low intensity (approx 60% VO2 max), for a longer duration. This will increase the likelihood that you are utilising fat for energy. Shut the fuck up and don't give people advice anymore. Thank you. Toning up is about reducing bodyfat...
  16. H

    Fat arms

    Arm exercises will not reduce the amount of fat you have on your arms. Such exercises, if done properly, with cause hypertrophy (enlargement of the muscle fibres), but will unfortunately not affect the amount of fat on your arms. To reduce fat you need to do cardio and diet.
  17. H

    Post your predicted UAI

    2004: 98.50 So probably around 98.
  18. H

    Above or below expectation?

    My results are pretty much what I was expecting. In comparison with the marks I anticipated (and previosuly put into SAM) each result was off by no more than 1-2 marks, except for Society - I did better than what I thought I would in Society.
  19. H

    Why Wasnt French Scaled Better

    How do you know how the subject scaled?
  20. H

    What HSC marks did you get?

    2 Business Studies 93/100 93/100 93 6 2 English (Advanced) 89/100 90/100 90 6 2 Legal Studies 94/100 92/100 93 6 2 Personal Development, Health and Physical Education 95/100 95/100 95 6 2 Society and Culture 97/100 93/100 95 6