Maths Extension 2 *glares around*
Yes... Maths Extension 2.
Actually I was thinking of doing that just incase I wanted to do it. If I don't like Maths Extension 2, I could always drop it and get 11 units. :D No hassle actually.
thank you :D
thank you :D
If i was your brother, I would so be pissed. I mean he did extremely well and should be congratulated for that. Well done to him!
Hey all, how did everyone go for their school reports?
I did quite well, for the first time I got an A in English (been 1 year since I got an A). I am extremely happy to get 9/9 A's :D Hope i keep this up for the rest of my senior years.
OMG i was just informed by my school today that I cannot do SOR I for my hsc but I can still do it for preliminary. I am targetting 12 units in the hsc but looks like I will only get 11...
well i am so sorry but its not my fault if i looked at his uai which he got 100. I have recalculated it again and it adds to 484 which i dont know why. You don't have to trust me but its true unless, the newsletter was typed wrong which i highly doubt.
Anyways moving back on to topic (if you...
i like legal more than economics. You get to know more about what is happening in society in regards to the law. It could help you avoid being fined :D
i would like to become a forensic scientist but not many jobs available. Maybe something law/commerce/ science related. If i don't make it into those subjects, I will be satisfied if I get the marks to become a teacher. :D
at first i did find it hard but after continously writing essays. I think I am starting to improve and significantly. From a B student (19/25) to an A student (23/25).
All you need to do is put in the efforts, ask your teacher for advice and help and you should be able to improve. You don't...