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  1. flipsyde

    Acne solutions?

    yeah man Ive used phoisohex.. it hurts cos yeah... It does strip the skin off gah! and it doesnt work
  2. flipsyde

    Acne solutions?

    yeah I wash my face twice a day with benzac stuff...but yeah Ill try the water thing.. I knew about the chocolate thing
  3. flipsyde

    Acne solutions?

    Ummm better stick with vibra-tabs then.. if doc gives me the choice.. I dont care if it takes a little bit longer to work...
  4. flipsyde

    Acne solutions?

    roacatane- (cant spell it either) doesnt that stuff cause depression? I wouldnt say that its bad, the amount that I have... but I ALWAYS have it sometimes just one spot that goes un noticed and other times theres like 5-6 on my face.. Im just sick of havign it all the time.. yeah might go see...
  5. flipsyde

    Acne solutions?

    what are yours? besides pro-active cos thats what most people will say
  6. flipsyde

    Once a cheater, Always a cheater

    agreed^ .
  7. flipsyde

    mp3 wisdom

    on the contrary.. CREATIVE is VERy good.. I know a lot of people who have them. I hate all iPods, the nanos get scratched a lot to and I heard they arent worth it. Toshiba I havent heard anything bad about
  8. flipsyde

    RU486 - Abortion Pill

    I am for the drug as long as (and yes this has already been said but I'm stating my opinion) it is administered by a doctor/specialist there and then... not sold over the counter and the persons conditions must be assessed before they can be administered the drug, ie not just walk in and sayt...
  9. flipsyde

    condom like protection for my zen

    same... hey does your clip break a lot?
  10. flipsyde

    Once a cheater, Always a cheater

    Discuss .
  11. flipsyde

    Who pays board to live at home?

    See I don't mind so much paying my parents rent if Im working full-time (studying at the mo so I can't haha) I don't want to out of principal cos my parents are money-grubbing and sometimes greedy but for $50 week its still the cheapest rent in Sydney. But I'm going to move out as soon as I can...
  12. flipsyde

    Word probelm

    thankie :) .
  13. flipsyde

    condom like protection for my zen

    The 20gb zens are great.. I have one.. its soo unbreakable Ive droped it like 10 times.. only thing is Ive had to order the clip twice ... u know how it clips onto ur belt... it brreaks all the time and I now need a 3rd one... but the actual thing is AWESOME... I want a condom-like cover on mine...
  14. flipsyde

    Switching off computer without shutting down? What happens?

    VCB good to see you back lol
  15. flipsyde

    Word probelm

    ok for some reason my help isnt working... figures.. the one time I actually need to little paper clip its not there grrr... Anyway I really need your help I'vew written a list of words for this glossary- How to I make it alphabetical without having to go through all the words? I know there...
  16. flipsyde

    The Simpsons Favourite Quote Thread

    Homer: How much is this free resort weekend? Man: It's free! Homer: And when is this weekend? Man: It's this weekend Homer: Uh uh, and how much does it cost? Man: Um...its free Homer: I see and when is it? Man: Its....this weekend Homer: And how much are you charging for...
  17. flipsyde

    The Simpsons Favourite Quote Thread

    and where can I find this?
  18. flipsyde


    see thatd be cool... movies and dinner is always good but somethng different is always better. I'd go skydiving if I had the money to... hey thatd be an awesome first date lol I love skydiving haha, brings back schoolies memories
  19. flipsyde

    Tongue or No Tongue?

    I've never tounged so I wouldnt know all the boys I've kissed as well as my last boyfriend... never tounged. So I couldn't answer it...
  20. flipsyde

    Would you have an abortion?

    hahaha OMG sigged... if itll fit