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  1. flipsyde

    dinner table convo

    hmmmmm not a bad idea.. I was tempted to do so during the convo but didnt...but yeah next time.. itll be brought up again some other time.
  2. flipsyde

    never been 'kissed'

    fair enough.. Im doing digital media... big demand in that area. I wont have many probs finding a job.. that and Im gonna go get a masters at Uni so I can also be a teacher...also a high demand area
  3. flipsyde

    never been 'kissed'

    why didnt you go to KvB? whyd u change ur mind?
  4. flipsyde

    can you be accepted if your uai is lower than the cut off...?

    Canberra Uni and CSU gove you up to 10 points more.. my friend got 10 points cos of all the bushfires (hes from canberra)
  5. flipsyde

    never been 'kissed'

    hahahaha U sound sooo much like that its so funny.. Dude Im not being mean by the way if it sounds that way. Its just youve put all my thoughts into words, which I dunno makes it funny... I like to laugh lol. I like some british comedy and samuri movies are funny and cool. I dont watch them much...
  6. flipsyde

    I really like my best friend.

    awwww. Well in the end its up to you, but you shud really have a private talk to her and just be honest.. just say it... if you hold back ur damaging yourself, and a potential relationship even more.
  7. flipsyde

    dinner table convo

    yeah.. I know the feeling.. I dont go dissing thier belifs. I just dont practice them...
  8. flipsyde

    dinner table convo

    Yes They do mind.. I dont Not my mother Then I have no problem :p unless he tries to make me cathooic and forces his beliefs on me... but he wont so its all good:p
  9. flipsyde

    dinner table convo

    because its to do with love and relationships perhaps...
  10. flipsyde

    dinner table convo

    So we were having a family dinner (I hate family dinners), anyhow we got talking about religion and stuf (One thing that shuddnt be brought up at the table) and you see Im an athiest, no-one in my family knows about it cos theyre catholic all the way, and they started talking about marriage and...
  11. flipsyde

    can you be accepted if your uai is lower than the cut off...?

    Yes you can! I did.. I sent them in a resume and portfolio and arranged for an interview.. U CAN get in if u get below the cutoff... also in late round offers the UAIs are usually lowered
  12. flipsyde

    Uni Vs Private Colleges for Graphic Design

    Ok I have the answer right here.... College is better in the sense that its more tangible rather than theory/lecture based... u still get lectures and have theory but its more hands on. The classes are also waaaaay smaller so u have a better student:teacher ratio, so u have more opportunity...
  13. flipsyde

    I really like my best friend.

    seriouly I like someone who is confident... just say it.. whats the worst that can happen? she'll say no... and so what? If shes ur best friend she'll be honest with you, she'll either say yes she likes you to or no she doesnt... and then if she says no u can continue being friends after you...
  14. flipsyde

    never been 'kissed'

    what only 16? Im EIGHTEEN for god sakes lol 18 and never been kissed or had a boyfriend.. how do you think I feel... lol I brought it on myself though... I only wanted to concetrate on studying fro the HSC... lol I also was like... pfft love.. *spew* haha lol.. Im not gonna go looking...
  15. flipsyde

    Have you ever done any sexual exploration with a member of the same sex?

    I dont understand people that are homophobic.. these days an open mind is a must.. I mean Im straight... but seriously homophobia is not on!
  16. flipsyde

    Have you ever done any sexual exploration with a member of the same sex?

    If you dont like gay people then leave this thread... and leave Azzie alone
  17. flipsyde


    hehe that was funny.. I wish I was in Yellow country :( I was too far away to jump the barricade :(