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  1. goan_crazy

    Australian Idol 2006

    thats alrite Dean was pretty good the other nite and Lavina but Klancie-no biggie
  2. goan_crazy

    Australian Idol 2006

    who were the bottom 3 tonight? and who got voted off? i missed it cos of work damn work :(
  3. goan_crazy

    Australian Idol 2006

    I cant wait! :D
  4. goan_crazy

    the OC

    hmm 4th November i think uni exams start around then :( o well having oc start again will be something to look forward to for the holidays :)
  5. goan_crazy

    General UTS chit-chat

    Re: The UTS 'Secks and student election time' Thread yay VC week! :)
  6. goan_crazy

    the OC

    Yeah it was good while it lasted season 4 will be its downfall
  7. goan_crazy

    General UTS chit-chat

    Re: The UTS 'Secks and student election time' Thread Woah I haven't been in this thread for ages i voted on mon :) ive got an exam tomorrow yes sat for marketing :(
  8. goan_crazy

    CSSA Legal Trial RESULTS!

    how was it my CSSA result last year for legal was 90% yere!
  9. goan_crazy

    The MPO Thread

    yes we did not on my comp but had 2 get it reformatted theirs was really bad :p not something u'd follow but good luck!
  10. goan_crazy

    Law/Journalism or Law/International Studies

    Everyone of my friends in those loves it at UTS so good luck :)
  11. goan_crazy

    B Laws

    Does anyone do the straight B laws at UTS? yes but i do combined Is it really hectic? yes, but combined r even more hectic lol How are lessons taught? (lectures, seminars, tutes) etc? lectures and seminars/tutes, UTS online, etc Has anyone transfered in? How difficult is it? Not sure bout...
  12. goan_crazy

    UTS LAW (What do you like most)

    yeah lectures and seminars the lecs r available to download of UTS online learning guides are given in the first lecture etc theres seminar readings also
  13. goan_crazy

    Law Lectures

    yes we sure do good luck getting in :)
  14. goan_crazy

    Australian Idol 2006

    Ricky will def get through...
  15. goan_crazy

    the OC

    lol hopeful tasha + bf :rofl:
  16. goan_crazy

    General UTS chit-chat

    Re: The UTS 'Secks and come to Open Day!' Thread im looking so forward to VC week ive got a court report due next monday mid sem on a SAT the same week then another assessment worth 60% due on the fri b4 VC week then things settle down for a bit :D that week and the wed, thur fri...
  17. goan_crazy

    Semester 2 2006 Books (Buy & Sell Thread)

    Someone buy my MPO book :p
  18. goan_crazy

    General UTS chit-chat

    Re: The UTS 'Secks and come to Open Day!' Thread ok Jase talk about me :D
  19. goan_crazy

    the OC

    That girl is in year 10 your in first year uni thats pretty bad tasha :p haha sorry for neglecting this forum :D
  20. goan_crazy

    The Legal Process and History thread

    doing LPH, Legal research and marketing b business/b laws