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  1. flipsyde

    What did every1 make for major works?

    Yeah. You will prolly wanna make somthing more.. ummm.. whats the word... Interactive is the onlt one that comes to mind. You can make an 8 slide PP presentation in 10mins if you want to thats why its not really going to get u the marks. Remember- the major is worth 60%.
  2. flipsyde

    Cheating in exams

    Exactly. Even if I had the opportunity to cheat I wouldn't couldnt live with that. It shits me when people cheat so why should it be ok for me to do it? Its not... that and going to the toilet wastes exam time anyway.
  3. flipsyde

    most annoying person in an exam room

    small hings annyoy me to... we have wobbly desks... very annoying... pen clicking doesnt bother me or anything but little things that are stupid.. they do!!!
  4. flipsyde

    How hard is it...

    How hard is it to get an 86? Like what bands do you have to get, would you have to be like really smart etc etc to get it? I need to know cos I finally decided what I wanna do and I need an 86.
  5. flipsyde

    most annoying person in an exam room

    The girl next to me sniffs and the girl behind me kicks the chair
  6. flipsyde

    Cheating in exams

    I wouldn't but I know how to.. I wouldnt get caught...thered be no shuffling of paper in hidden toilets or anything but I just wouldnt cos its wrogn... what u do is u write on the tops of your legs and ur skirt and stockings will cover it... u go to the toilet and read ur legs.... but I could...
  7. flipsyde

    Is or has anyone done a magazine for their MDP

    3 major works.. been there, done that :) It may seem a but overwhelming but u'll survive just remember to plan your time wisely and dont stress too much about it. thats the mistake that I made and it takes time away from the production of the majors. Once they're done you'll wonder what all the...
  8. flipsyde

    What did every1 make for major works?

    hey your matrixchickenythingymabob is cool... great work! however the Sentinel... arent they already part of 'The Matrix' the movie... were you allowed ot copy that?
  9. flipsyde

    What did every1 make for major works?

    Funk are you making a Power Point presentation for your ITM major? ummm shouldnt you be making something a little more....Interactive? I dont think you'll get many marks with a powerpoint presentation. I can't remember who said it .... its on the first page.. If your going to make a video or...
  10. flipsyde


    Nope my whole class finsihed with 5mins to spare... theres only 6 of us but yeah
  11. flipsyde

    Is or has anyone done a magazine for their MDP

    as I said in another thread... have u thought about an interactive mag.. like a web based one or something? then u could have video intervies and sound and stuff and online quizzes.
  12. flipsyde

    Estimates and Special Provisions

    Oh I agree, Definately but I'm just making a point that people with depression (like for real not faking it) deserve an estimate just the same as anyone else with an illness
  13. flipsyde

    HSC Reader/Writer

    w00t! hockey injuries... gotta love em' Ive had too many to count including a broken nose from a head butt. Go hockey!
  14. flipsyde

    Estimates and Special Provisions

    Exactly.... Its not a laziness issue or anything. Those of you who havent had a breakdown shouldnt be so cold-hearted towards her because its the worst thing in the world. If shes worked hard she deserves it. If she sat the exams she'dmost probably screw them up or something.. why should she...
  15. flipsyde

    Multimedia Major ^^^Heres what I did fro my Industrial Tech Multimedia Major... If u guys need any help at all with ur Multimedia Majors PM me. I'd be glad to help...
  16. flipsyde


    We did all our theory in the end... like a few weeks before the exam. But it was that or do it during the time that we had for our majors. As it was my whole class was doing their majors at like 2am the night before so we just wouldnt have had time to do theory before or during then. Industrial...
  17. flipsyde

    Ideas for major work next year

    Thats true Tez.. now liek I said before... I didnt do Design and Tech I did Industrial tecch, however the same thing applied to me. The CD-ROM that I made had a purpose, It wasnt just something that I randomly made... ummm read this if you want...
  18. flipsyde

    The 2004 HSC - Industrial Technology Paper

    I agree... I see what you're saying... Just chill though I'm sure you did ok :). Put it this way some people I know only made a few animated gifs for their major.
  19. flipsyde

    Ideas for major work next year

    Evil... did u think of making it an interactive Magazine.. maybe make an online magazine? you could even go into reasons why such as environmentally friendly etc and u could make a profit through people paying for subscription or something. You could also Include video and interactive quizes...
  20. flipsyde

    The 2004 HSC - Industrial Technology Paper

    Dude, I think everyone did the same thing as you. We just worked on our majors and then in the last few weeks learnt the theory stuff ... ITM was like 99% practical. I'm not saying that u werent disadvantaged with ur teacher and all but a lot of ppl spent the last few weeks leaning the...