top 5 annoying people!
5. Me during drama/maths trial... I was really sick and trying to be quiet, and ended up coughing that much that i had to run out and throw up
4. Coughing/Clicking People
3. Supervisor Woman who makes the speech thing at the start. "If you feel sick, inform ME, if you have a problem, inform ME, if ...... Inform ME, inform ME inform ME inform ME... (you get the picture!
2. Person who does that stupid *drip........ drip.......* sound!! *shakes fist* trouble for you!!!
1. Stacey Magoo.... im going to try to explain the annoyingness of this chick. now, everything i say, multiply it by a million.... then do it again another 5 thousand times... right, so no matter where she sits in the hall, you can hear her breathing really heavy, but its not just breathing, its sniffing and she does this snort thing too, all at the same time..... then, because shes really really big, she knocks tables when she's leaving, and she has mouldy feet... and she takes her shoes off, and again, no matter where you are in the exam you can smell her.... there are other character flaws about her, but, im feeling sick just thinking about her...