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  1. goan_crazy

    Semester 2 2006 Books (Buy & Sell Thread)

    Bump! buy books of me pplz!
  2. goan_crazy

    the OC

    shes already dead Matt :p
  3. goan_crazy

    General UTS chit-chat

    Re: The UTS 'Secks and Semester 2 is here!' Thread the comm/law ppl r in my classes :D LPH & legal research along with all the other combined law ppl :)
  4. goan_crazy

    the OC

    haha i remember that too :D
  5. goan_crazy

    The Legal Process and History thread

    Jasee pleas change the title to Legal PROCESS and History thread I got it wrong that was before i started :p
  6. goan_crazy

    The Marketing Thread

    who's doing marketing this semester we've got a new lecturer my friend said its gonna suck this sem last sem their lecturer said he didnt want anyone to fail coz this sem we were getting this new lecturer who wouldn't tell us whats in the exam the old lecturer used to give the exam...
  7. goan_crazy

    Semester 2 2006 Books (Buy & Sell Thread)

    Bump whose interested in my books? Business law and ethics has been sold now sorry
  8. goan_crazy

    General UTS chit-chat

    Re: The UTS 'Secks and Semester 2 is here!' Thread wtf is everyone saying ftw these days:p :rolleyes:
  9. goan_crazy

    General UTS chit-chat

    Re: The UTS 'Get Naked and Secks' Thread I don't know its annoying but :ninja: i have to travel 1.5 hours each way :o
  10. goan_crazy

    Class of 06 Post up your trial results and ranks

    bump :p good luck in your trials everyone make sure u post here after :)
  11. goan_crazy

    General UTS chit-chat

    Re: The UTS 'Get Naked and Secks' Thread I withdrew from that accounting subject only doing what I'm meant to now 20CP I wouldn't mind a lighter semester anyway :)
  12. goan_crazy

    Semester 2 2006 Books (Buy & Sell Thread)

    Lol yes ok then seeing u want the MPO pack I'll sell it to U I'll stil sell you my eco book Huratio Give me a call on whether to bring that on thursday boasboy, call me on 0423 118 637 r u gonna be at uni on thurs? if u want these on thurs let me know il be at uni on thurs. call me...
  13. goan_crazy

    the OC

    next thing Kaitlin will probably hook up with Ryan :p or Taylor and Ryan :o:ninja:
  14. goan_crazy

    General UTS chit-chat

    Re: The UTS 'Get Naked and Secks' Thread i took on an extra sub thinking of withdrawing already only had 1 lecture the reason y they made us only do 3 subs was for that reason the 10CP one is worth as much as 2 subs damn thought i could do 4 guess not
  15. goan_crazy

    General UTS chit-chat

    Re: The UTS 'Get Naked and Secks' Thread same :o
  16. goan_crazy

    General UTS chit-chat

    Re: The UTS 'Get Naked and Secks' Thread uni is here change the title jasee let the get naked and secks happen again :p
  17. goan_crazy

    Australian Idol 2006

    Its starting again this weekend! I just saw an add!
  18. goan_crazy

    the OC

    that was the worst cover i have ever heard! i like that song they play during the graduation but :)
  19. goan_crazy

    Your Technique in 'Effectiveness' Essays

    wherever necessary use them to back up your content.
  20. goan_crazy

    UTS Semester 2 2006 Timetables and Subjects ahoy!

    See the third post in this thread ;) Subjects I'm doing this sem are: 24108 Marketing Foundations 6cp 70105 Legal Research 4cp 70113 Legal Process and History 10cp now im also doing 22207 Accounting Transactions and Business Decisions see the attachment on page 1 post 3 for my...