I enjoyed it :)
Most sessions were sold out when I went to see it. Was lucky to get tickets
stupid reserved seating. we had to sit in the front row
neck strain :o
Hey Michelle
I just bought premium :D
lol anyway my friend ordered the ticket on the 30th
she doesn't have a friend interested who can get in for free
call me if your interested
you can pay her half
tahts like $17
thats what me and a friend did
but yeah you have my number so call me if...
Re: The UTS 'Get Naked and Secks' Thread
Nothing wrong with meeting new people
alot of sadcases on here though :bomb:
I'm not meaning u kami :p
hols have been awesome
what about u?
what have u been doing?
That kid is on his way towards a UAI BELOW 60!
Our year coordinator last year said if your average in all your subjects you will be looking at a 60 UAI.
It was so true, i saw so many average people do so badly.
Marks and ranks are important people.
Try and do as well as you can ;)