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  1. krayzie_

    does anyone have a business law and ethics textbook they would be willing to sell?

    Re: does anyone have a business law and ethics textbook they would be willing to sell Welcome|The Co-op Online Bookshop $119.96, less if your coop member. If your desperate, just get it from the store as that book gets revised often. I'm pretty sure its got alot of mistakes in it as well
  2. krayzie_

    The Loft

    Just carry a bottle in your backpack/whatever and drink in the toilet between lectures. Thats what I do
  3. krayzie_

    UTS - Insearch please help me

    I don't know what your talking about :) I know UTS GPA scales are from 0 - 4. I know that at UTS, our SC's usually post up sample questions but never an entire past exam paper.. There are some past papers on the library website but they are from the 1990's. Teaching quality and...
  4. krayzie_

    business law and ethics mid semester

    Sorry to dig this up, but when did you guys receive information on the mid semeser? Was it during tutorial, because I haven't been going at all because of work.
  5. krayzie_

    UTS City - Access to UTS-WPA?

    I've ripped Windows 7 when it first came out because I was capped. Was all good
  6. krayzie_

    General UTS chit-chat

    Re: The UTS 'Get Naked and Secks!!' Thread Hit em. First years are digheads anyway. Lolz, I found the Bus Law Ethics notes. uber!
  7. krayzie_

    General UTS chit-chat

    Re: The UTS 'Get Naked and Secks!!' Thread Yeah, they were pretty good. But I lost my copy.
  8. krayzie_

    Internal or External Transfer

    You can take the double degree, do only the business subjects and graduate via the following site, UTS: Internal course transfer - graduating, Student admin I have confirmed this with staff and it has been stated that if you have fulfilled the business side of your double you are able to...
  9. krayzie_

    First Day

    David Meltz is too slow in lectures. In the 1.30 lecture he kept on walking around putting students on the spot. He should of just done the lecture instead of walking around then rushing through the slides when he figured he was nearly out of time. This is my third attempt at Bus Laws. I've...
  10. krayzie_

    Quick questions about uni

    Just buy a power adapter and bring it with you and tell the other person that sharing is caring
  11. krayzie_

    1st Year Business Textbooks Cheap

    It's a bit hard to believe they got exactly 95 in both subjects.
  12. krayzie_

    UTS Travel Concession Stickers for 2010????

    Yes you can just ignore it. I did
  13. krayzie_

    importance of faculty welcome

    No it's not worth it. Unless you have nothing better to do.
  14. krayzie_

    General UTS chit-chat

    Re: The UTS 'Get Naked and Secks!!' Thread Any BoSer's who WERE/ARE active in 2007/2008 , who have the two attachments that user: Malfoy put into this thread in 2008. Please send me a copy of them :D The attachments were relating to subject - Business Law and Ethics.
  15. krayzie_


    Oday's shit, only loners go there. lawl. /facepalm
  16. krayzie_

    UTS: Blackfriars Campus

    Never heard of it before
  17. krayzie_

    General UTS chit-chat

    Re: The UTS 'Get Naked and Secks!!' Thread Now, so strip
  18. krayzie_

    UTS Travel Concession Stickers for 2010????

    When do they stop accepting the 2009 stickers?
  19. krayzie_

    what was UTS b. business city campus cut off you think

    You could hope but make sure you put the KG one down right after it just incase you have to go to KG for the first semester
  20. krayzie_

    what was UTS b. business city campus cut off you think

    I though B.Bus at city is full already.