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  1. anthony_wheels

    HSC 2013 Maths Marathon (archive)

    Re: HSC 2013 2U Marathon I know it's a very 'shonky' proof/deduction lol... How could I improve it?
  2. anthony_wheels

    HSC 2013 Maths Marathon (archive)

    Re: HSC 2013 2U Marathon Find the second derivative and then let that = 0.
  3. anthony_wheels

    HSC 2013 Maths Marathon (archive)

    Re: HSC 2013 2U Marathon Yeah that's strange ey... I graphed y=tanxcosxsinx and it still had times where y=1. But they were at my original solutions (if that makes sense) but as we know they're not possible... wtf? haha
  4. anthony_wheels

    HSC 2013 Maths Marathon (archive)

    Re: HSC 2013 2U Marathon Hmmm, looks easier than it actually is (in my opinion anyway - most of you probably find it easy ahah)... The answers I originally got were not possible... Any hints? Thanks :)
  5. anthony_wheels

    HSC 2013 Maths Marathon (archive)

    Re: HSC 2013 2U Marathon What do you want us to do here? Solve for theta?
  6. anthony_wheels

    HSC 2013 Maths Marathon (archive)

    Re: HSC 2013 2U Marathon Yeah?
  7. anthony_wheels

    Best Past Papers

    The 2003 paper was pretty good... They had quite a few of the 'more difficult' questions towards the end of the test.
  8. anthony_wheels

    BOS Trials 2013 2 Unit Discussion Thread

    Agreed, but it's tough under time constraints (well, that's what I found anyway) :) ... You probably would have found it easy if you're doing 4U
  9. anthony_wheels

    BOS Trials 2013 2 Unit Discussion Thread

    Not sure if srs. Have a look at any of the HSC exams from the past 30 years and you will not find one as difficult as this one.
  10. anthony_wheels

    BOS Trials 2013 2 Unit Discussion Thread

    Actual exam, as in a past HSC or school exam? haha One good thing is that once we get the solutions (and understand them) we should be able to do similar questions in the actual HSC (if they even put similar questions in the HSC) :P
  11. anthony_wheels

    BOS Trials 2013 2 Unit Discussion Thread

    I seriously skipped 1/2 of that, and of the half that I did do, i'd say I would have screwed up 1/2 of it! Aiming for a solid 25%! :O That goodness the HSC papers are pretty similar for year to year. I.e Same questions, just worded differently! :D
  12. anthony_wheels

    HSC 2013 Maths Marathon (archive)

    Re: HSC 2013 2U Marathon Wow... Also, Sorry for the blurry image :/ This one here is much better! :D
  13. anthony_wheels

    HSC 2013 Maths Marathon (archive)

    Re: HSC 2013 2U Marathon Ahh, damn! I just did it for 'x^2-6x... = 1' before I saw Sy123's post. Would my answer be right if that was = 1?
  14. anthony_wheels

    Official BOS Trials 2013 Mathematics Papers: Parramatta Library.

    I would like to attend the 2U test :D Thank you very much! :)
  15. anthony_wheels

    Biology-- nsw independent paper 2013

    I didn't find it too bad, however, I haven't received my test back yet so we'll just have to wait and see :P
  16. anthony_wheels

    HSC 2013 Maths Marathon (archive)

    Re: HSC 2013 2U Marathon Hope it's correct :)
  17. anthony_wheels

    biology or business studies

    Firstly, both Business Studies and Biology have a considerably large amount of content (How do I know this? I do both of them). Business Studies is a relatively easy subject, however, there is a lot of boring, and often, repetitious work. If you're willing to put in effort you can achieve good...
  18. anthony_wheels

    Should I move up to 2 unit???

    ^ So true! The only reason why people call it 'advanced maths', is because that is what the Board has named the course lol :P
  19. anthony_wheels

    HSC 2013 Maths Marathon (archive)

    Re: HSC 2013 2U Marathon Biggest trek of my life due to a range of mistakes I made initially, but I finally got the answers (I hope :P ) lol
  20. anthony_wheels

    HSC 2013 Maths Marathon (archive)

    Re: HSC 2013 2U Marathon Ah sick! ahah... Yeah, I went the very very long way but I eventually got there... So much quicker ^