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  1. bunnykun

    James Ruse interview TOMORROW?? help pls :(

    Update : early offers on Ruse came out either today/yesterday Picture proof attached (found on Loool) Idk if this is true but it seems pretty legit? Any of you guys got accepted?
  2. bunnykun

    Chances of making into Hurlstone Ag (Currently year 9)

    Oops, RoT is definitely more experienced in this field ^^ I've personally haven't tried out for hurlstone ag so I'm not quite sure what they're looking for in admissions, I was basing it off my school. Guess you'll just have to do well in your entrance exam then! Good luck! :)
  3. bunnykun

    Chances of making into Hurlstone Ag (Currently year 9)

    What rank is your school around? Your reports seem pretty good, try and raise your marks a bit for english as english is usually the subject that schools care about most after maths for reports. For your application next year, what's most important is your yearly reports this year and yr 10...
  4. bunnykun

    James Ruse interview TOMORROW?? help pls :(

    generally speaking, do you feel like newbies fit in well with the grade? :) the transfers in my school all seem to get along pretty well with the grade, but then again only 3 of them came this year (only had 3 spots) But with Ruse yr 11, there are many spots (like you said), and apparently the...
  5. bunnykun

    James Ruse interview TOMORROW?? help pls :(

    Did you get a call? If so, I think they would've mentioned it? But just in case they didn't, for me I had to have a parent (one only lol) accompany me for the interview, and I didn't have to bring anything with me (no original documents like i thought they'd need). The whole interview is pretty...
  6. bunnykun

    James Ruse interview TOMORROW?? help pls :(

    apparently top 15 (reports and extra curricular wise) got a call for interviews. Ruse normally accepts 20-25 (apparently even more), so all hope is not lost yet! :) Besides, the exam is what has the most weighting, and the principal said that exam results would be examined this friday, with...
  7. bunnykun

    James Ruse interview TOMORROW?? help pls :(

    pretty sure it was 21? I know a few from my school who transferred and after some stalking I'm pretty sure its around 20-25 lol. 36 seems like way too much but I mean if you heard from other people then it could be true? And the more spots the better? xD But I'm still pretty certain it was like...
  8. bunnykun

    James Ruse interview TOMORROW?? help pls :(

    i thought in a post someone said it was around 20-25? and also its not necessarily 25, if the majority of people that tried out this year don't fit Ruse standards, then they might accept 10-15. It's just that their absolute maximum is 25-30 ish. ((or so i've heard from other people))
  9. bunnykun

    James Ruse interview TOMORROW?? help pls :(

    lasla you got an interview though right? :)
  10. bunnykun

    James Ruse interview TOMORROW?? help pls :(

    Oh, well her mind will certainly be changed when she sees my exam results LOL
  11. bunnykun

    James Ruse interview TOMORROW?? help pls :(

    can confirm will get you into Ruse 100%
  12. bunnykun

    James Ruse interview TOMORROW?? help pls :(

    Principal was really nice, she asked me questions like 'what can you contribute to Ruse', and 'what are your strengths'. My friend from the same school had her interview right before I went in, and generally I just said stuff about 'being a helpful and supportive friend' since I can't really...
  13. bunnykun

    James Ruse interview TOMORROW?? help pls :(

    I really appreciate your reply and help! Despite being a little nervous for the interview, I'm actually really eager for it and I think it'll be really interesting to answer any questions your principal has to shoot my way xD Thanks for asking your friend as well! Even if I don't make it in...
  14. bunnykun

    James Ruse interview TOMORROW?? help pls :(

    yeah, but I still need to work hard to get a good ATAR xD
  15. bunnykun

    James Ruse interview TOMORROW?? help pls :(

    Thanks everyone for your input so far! Although I could probably get a 99 at my current school right now lol (if i try hard and don't bomb out).. :P *edited the bit where i said i could achieve a 99 ATAR because no matter where you are or what school you go to that requires hard work ^^
  16. bunnykun

    James Ruse interview TOMORROW?? help pls :(

    Hi everyone! I'm in year 10 and I did the yr 11 entrance exam to Ruse last sat and today i was called for an interview (tomorrow) Is it a bad thing to be called up for an interview? None of my friends who got in last year did one, they all were accepted straight away. I'm also pretty nervous...
  17. bunnykun

    Year 11 Selective High School Entry

    what makes you think that? D: genuinely curious as yr 11 does seem like a massive jump from yr 10 .-.
  18. bunnykun

    Past Paper Half-Yearly/Yearly For Mathematics and Science

    sorry this is late :c I have NSG maths papers if you want? we're currently ranked 2nd in state.. but tbh its not super hard so I'm not sure if you'll find it useful D: if you still want it though PM me? :)
  19. bunnykun

    Year 11 Selective High School Entry

    just digging this post up, I'm trying out as well xD what schools do you guys go to? :)