lol. Fairly dubious claim.
And even if your assumption there is correct, its still a flawed argument because they outnumber us by ONE HUNDRED to one, not ten.
okay - advanced english should be one of the easiest subjects your doing.
Memorise a general brief creative - its much more important to memorise specific wording and language than the structure.
Memorise a general brief essay plan - its much more important to memorise the structure and...
"there should be no special treatment for people just because they are part of a certain religion" is a ridiculous statement in regards to this matter.
Its a matter of evaluating what is more important : the rights of the individual to follow their religon, or the wishes of the retail...
Re: My kids are victims, Rosemeadow mum Maree Whitmore says
Maree has fifteen kids inadequately housed and inproperly looked after.
Thats the real crime.
but what he was saying was basically that a piece of writing should never FEEL complex, no matter how deep it is. It should always (like hemingway's) be able to be understood by a child yet still be able to astound an adult.
Re: Future Plans: What UAI/course/job are you aiming for?
true that. BUT it did count in my yearly aggregate, since i wasnt doing 4eng, history ext. and pulled me down considerably.
so it wont count now. what i meant was that my ESTIMATED result would be higher if i'd a halfdecent maths...
Re: Future Plans: What UAI/course/job are you aiming for?
Well my school results now estimate about a 99.65
But i think i can hopefully improve on that for the HSC with a halfdecent maths and mhistory result.
course: Commerce/Law at syd uni. if its possible, on scholarship.
job: havent...
1) Do you consider taking ecstasy to be a normal behaviour?
2) Within your social circles, do you know of anybody who takes ecstasy? If so, what proportion?
yeah. about 1/3
3) Do you think society is accepting of ecstasy use in general?
depends what society this is. if its my...
Re: Drugs kill daughter, parents blame unscrupulous people for taking advantage of he
Haa. But on a scale of hardness, cocaine is much higher. Which i suppose is bad. Legalisation of something like ecstasy, most people would agree, is of a lesser nature than legalisation of cocaine.