Holy shiiii I really didn't think anyone would have the same sig.
Sorrrry man I'll change it.
P.s. I can be frigid but it takes a few drinks for me to loosen up.
Gaaaaaah. I got an offer for Banking and finance but it wasn't my 1st preference. I was just wondering if all Uni's offer early offers?
Cause I really want my 1st preference
Heyaaa sorry for the dumb question I bet there is a few threads about this sorry for posting this again.
My situation.
I got offered into a Uni for early offers and it's not quite my first preference buuuut I was wondering if I had accepted this offer do I still get other offers for my Round...
I met and talked to John Safran! then i proceeded to take a photo with him in Melbourne, he was quiete the gentleman.
Also i plan on meeting Cut Copy after they tour since i know Mitchell Scotts girlfriend! Hopefully through them i can meet other Modular bands in person.
Which ones would you prefer to go to?
Hmm i would love to go to Falls for the atmosphere but i want to see Juggers and Cut Copy again so badly.
Your thoughts?
There's a link between hypocrisy and aiding, just take a look at America's unjust views on how Russia is treating Georgia!
Also it is easy to see why Australia is the US's lapdog.
And why am i reading this? i have a fucking King Lear essay to finish!
Awwww awesome you did it in a ferrari look-a-like bed!
Man i wish i was as awesome as you
Thats the one where the roof folds out yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah?