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  1. GigaLouie

    Girls Don't know what they want.

    Whether or not eating tapeworm is healthy or not
  2. GigaLouie

    Younger Chicks

    No U
  3. GigaLouie

    Is it pedophilia

    It's not free but yeah... fap to any picture you like, just don't try and get peoples approval
  4. GigaLouie

    Is it pedophilia

    He would.. depending on how old you were...
  5. GigaLouie

    Is it pedophilia

    naw dude, dude nawwww Hey look it's Chris Hansen! He wants you to take a seat.
  6. GigaLouie

    Girls Don't know what they want.

    Girls want....... commitment... OH SHI-
  7. GigaLouie

    WHERE did you lose your virginity?

    OP's mums bed... No not really, was at my girlfriends, friends house while we were sleeping in the spare room..................... oh and i was 16 WAZAAM THEY'RE GREAT!
  8. GigaLouie

    Is it pedophilia

    Uhh... obvious troll is obvious.