Hi i did legal studies last year (band 6) and am doing doing adv english this year and i am going pretty well, here is my understanding.
You seem to be on the right track :)
Legal: - get straight to the point, incorporate the syllabus as much as possible, the markers dont have time to read...
It refers to : - is there enough money to fund the enforcement of the law? e.g enough money to create new childrens courts or enough money to upgrade police training?
- It can also refer to are there enough police? enough courts? enough diversionary programs? For example the court system is...
It refers to : - is there enough money to fund the enforcement of the law? e.g enough money to create new childrens courts or enough money to upgrade police training?
- It can also refer to are there enough police? enough courts? enough diversionary programs? For example the court system is...
http://rawmarks.info/wiki/English_Advanced check out this data base thing. A 72% raw mark would scale to a pretty good band 5 :) if you prepare and do well on the day i think you definitely have a shot a solid band 5 and possibly band 6!
Hey people,
Im an advanced english student and was wondering what scores i should be aiming for in paper 1 if i am trying to score a band 5-6 overall? atleast 35? 40? 42?
Hey people, when writing an essay for this module can you still score a high mark with an AA BB style essay? With the comparative module i go ABAB, however this module doesn't care as much about the connection between texts (core and related) i dont think.....
hmmm would it be a significant disadvantage do you think as schools study it in lower grades? ...........like it is so easy (so i could write a more in depth essay than a more difficult related text), so i wonder if it would still be worth choosing?
How is discovery portrayed??
i know the main ways include, the 6 aussie participant emotions/reactions/values, audio voice-over and interviews, but what else?
If the frequency of light is above a metals threshold frequency, a photon will pass all of its energy to an electron in the form of kinetic energy.
hope this helps
you may need to say how Einstein suggested that there was a minimum energy of emr required to emit a photoelecton (e=hf-w)
classical physics predicted that the intensity of the emission of photoelectrons were...
re: HSC Physics Marathon Archive
too good mate, just add that the electron emitted passes its energy to a load in the external circuit e.g a light bulb