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  1. thatgaegoth

    2020-HSC chat

    I've been accused of cheating on two of my HSC exams (fake news) but in other news, I FINISH THE HSC TOMMOROW LET'S GO BABY
  2. thatgaegoth

    Year 12 Formal- Best dress shops!

    bruh, I'm a girl
  3. thatgaegoth

    Year 12 Formal- Best dress shops!

    In regards to formal, do you guys think I'd be bullied for wearing these shoes with my formal dress?
  4. thatgaegoth

    HSC SOR II Predictions/ thoughts

    or maybe we are already friends and go to the same school without knowing it's eachother?
  5. thatgaegoth

    2020-HSC chat

    yeah I have 3 more left too, BS, GEO and 2 UNIT RE
  6. thatgaegoth

    HSC SOR II Predictions/ thoughts

    Exact same as my school,what are the chances?
  7. thatgaegoth

    Does God exist?

    I don't feel like debating I just don't think God exists, or at least the Christian God. There might be something out there :confused:
  8. thatgaegoth

    What did you just buy NOW thread?

    a black soot sprite purse...
  9. thatgaegoth

    Blue pen or black pen or pineapple pen

    If you can I'd opt for using multiple black pens of different diameters, apparently it helps to avoid cramping during an exam because you force our hand to readjust the pressure you apply to your pen and your grip
  10. thatgaegoth

    I accidentally wrote a reflection for MOD C

    F for the wasted time but I know a lot of people where I live made the same mistake apparently I'm just disappointed it wasn't' a discursive
  11. thatgaegoth

    Business Essay Predictions

    If there's a God I will pray to them that the essay and BS Report questions aren't about finance, it's my worst section and seems confusing to me
  12. thatgaegoth


    Why do you wake up so early?
  13. thatgaegoth

    2020-HSC chat

    Can I retake a course after graduating? Like a single (1) course and if so will it affect my ATAR?
  14. thatgaegoth

    2020-HSC chat

    thanks man, I'll try my best
  15. thatgaegoth

    2020-HSC chat

    you're so nice <3 I just mean, I think I can write a great essay and I'd be willing to share it with the thread for free but I was just too high on anxiety meds to focus
  16. thatgaegoth

    2020-HSC chat

    bruh I took to much Propranolol before my exams and I was just too relaxed to care I mean I did GREAT on my short answers but I barely did anything for my extended response F U C K - I T - A L L How will I ever become a teacher like this
  17. thatgaegoth

    insomnia gang rise up

    it scooby dooby do be like that
  18. thatgaegoth


    bro I couldn't sleep properly, I woke up at 5:14am and started my day
  19. thatgaegoth

    Thoughts on paper 2?

    cute pfp
  20. thatgaegoth


    i ask this out of curiosity but how large are your classes? (roughly)