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  1. T

    Would a good handwriting make your essay look superb?

    Spot on there, if they can read your writing its all good. Same things go for maths and science (except without the fluency), if they can't read your writing or you miss a step due to the working out being everywhere, you will lose a TON of marks (i have been warned in ext. 2 maths, chem and...
  2. T

    mental illnesses - discussion, rants, frustrations, speculation etc

    Depends on the circumstances, if your getting bullied etc. In most cases once the bullying stops you will eventually get back into a normal routine (this can take anywhere between a few weeks and a whole life time, it really depends on severity and the person). I hope your feeling better though.
  3. T

    Did you go to the Sydney Morning Herald Expo?

    I went last year, perfect place to ninja shit like m'n'ms and so forth.
  4. T

    To drop or not to drop?!?

    Drop what you dislike the most. Doesn't matter whether you excel in it or not I personally don't think its worth keeping a subject if you hate it.
  5. T


    well gradient = m and m = gradient function. So find the derivative (e^x lol) and put 0.213 = e^x then its ln(0.213) = x AND PRESTO your done. TOTALLY 13 characters i do ext. 2 maths (i would know)
  6. T

    Most hated module/topic so far?

    It seems straight forwards until you do the questions, thats when it gets tough.
  7. T

    Most hated module/topic so far?

    Polynomials is awesome, (2unit polynomials was gay but 3 and 4 owned), i cant stand circle geometry; just make shit up in the test and hope for the best.
  8. T

    Extremely important Q, whether to do 4 unit math or 3 unit math.

    4 unit scales like nothing. One of the better decisions I have made (im naturally good at math so it isnt that hard for me)
  9. T

    Wondering if anyone could help me with Chem notes !!!

    As my chemistry teacher said to my class "No one doing chemistry can finish the cource without making a few sacrifices". Our sacrifices include a 9-6 saturday class... So your not the only one behind, just need to work at a constant pace and pray to finish =P
  10. T

    Heaps of Notes

    Relax with the year 11 notes lol, chances are your going to discard them in 6 months time and get year 12 notes (which is reasonable).
  11. T

    Get smart

    3 unit cambridge is a REALLY good book, 4 unit cambridge is apoctolyptically fail.. Terry Lee is a win both 3 unit and 4 unit maths so OP get a Terry Lee textbook
  12. T

    Uni Course ?

    ADFA (which is UNSW) or GTFO gonna be a fighter pilot =P
  13. T

    is it possible to get a 90+ ATAR with a vet subject

    No point in dropping ext. 1 math (btw its not really that hard once you get whats going on) as it won't count towards your ATAR if you get a horrid mark in it. Just keep it see how you do or else you will regret dropping it.
  14. T

    Atar estimate ????:)

    I am pretty sure your looking into the 98-99 range (pressuming all tests are HSC standard). In my Ext. 2 math class our average is like 70% thats how i know that its roughly HSC standard (the WTF's being squeeled also helped XD)
  15. T

    Ever feel like your notes aren't detailed enough?

    Well thats not really fair to say, as it isn't only the teachers of a school who determine the rank of the school in comparison to others. Take my school as an example, we have some BRILLIANT teachers who can dish out some high quality students (particularly in chemistry and english) and others...
  16. T

    I don't understand all this ranking business

    Ranking is basically your rank in a class and post HSC rank in the state. The greater your ranking the more dominence and bragging rights you have over your class. BTW if you rank first pre-HSC you will basically dictate the marks the class gets so hope whoever comes first is either asian or a...
  17. T

    really need advice :)

    Yeah, I agree. You should probably relax though, chances are it will be discounted and you can have position 1 back =D If not complain til your nuts turn blue.
  18. T

    Fucked my 2u exam

    I agree, plus we all screw up here or there dont stress over it. In my ext. 1 exam my first mark was 80 my second was 60 my 3rd was 80. I was the only one to stuff up on the 2nd exam but i still made my way into the top ten and hopefully at the end of the year into the top 3 =) So just relax and...
  19. T

    Uni Course ?

    B Science at ADFA focusing primarily on physics and pure mathematics, after that probably become a fighter pilot =P