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  1. Tenille

    CSSA - hints, bitching & thoughts

    me thinks they will only ask (in my case) 1 rite but both reilious traditions great... *goes of and learns crazy islamic words SHE can't remember* Yes cro she ;)
  2. Tenille

    The Spice Girls Appreciatioon Thread.

    I have to say my favourite song was lady is a vamp which wasent released as a single but was the last song on the second cd. ahh you people have that say you will be there song in my head. Who do you think you are....
  3. Tenille

    CSSA - hints, bitching & thoughts

    just think this time tomorrow you will be writing some dodgey answer about the dreaming! Personally i can't wait to see the queston" evaluate the role of symbolism and human experience in three rites for two religious tradition"! now wouldent that be fun! should be ok but anyway i should...
  4. Tenille

    Catholic trial

    lol i used a few of those stimuls texts i was a ship captain and my crew through me off my boat and i was left in a life boat to die :(
  5. Tenille

    Catholic trial

    Just reinforced why i don't like English. i don't even know any morew :( bring the sympathy marks on :(
  6. Tenille

    Aboriginal Spirituality

    ok thanksa babe. i was reading Maquaries and by the time i got to anything past land rights it all sounded vague and the same.
  7. Tenille

    Aboriginal Spirituality

    After spending an incredibly exciting day studing Aboriginal spirituality i just a few questions... 1) what is the Rainbow sprit theory, is it just the integration of Aboriginal and Christian belief systems in such a way as to confuse any onlooker who was not at the meeting where it was...
  8. Tenille

    Sympathy location marks

    Ok, thanks Jess, Ash and Minai. Santa: the way things are going...
  9. Tenille

    anyone got a king lear essay that i can borrow?

    Why not be! oh dear Tenille hates king lear :(
  10. Tenille

    anyone got a king lear essay that i can borrow?

    Oh only if you give it back but then again i hate lear so it might be safer not to use mine. pfft you had 5 days for 900 words, you can do that over in a night easy!
  11. Tenille

    Section 3 of AOS exam

    Can this only be an essay or any text type? -Thanks
  12. Tenille

    King Lear summary notes

    How did you set your up (i.e what headings themes characters etc) Lear scares me sooo much =/ if i ever go back in time, i promise that we won't be studing lear today muhahahah -Tenille
  13. Tenille


    my geog one is not next week but the week after. did you do an independent trial?can you post what your essay questions were if you remember the wording?
  14. Tenille

    Sympathy location marks

    If i choose to go to UOW i get an extra 3 uai points. do these automatically go through uac or do you need to fill out a form or something? also, if you are going for an early entry interview what type of questions do they ask? Thanks
  15. Tenille

    Glossary practice trial thingy

    Taken from csu site. had a quick go and got bored. good revision i suppose for terminology though. (at end of page)
  16. Tenille

    Handed in Project

    hahah i handed mine in today was a great feeling :)
  17. Tenille

    Albert Speer

    history nerd :p but i wouldent have minded hmm they may re-play it
  18. Tenille

    frontline pics

    from av on msn
  19. Tenille


    yeha just what you think will happen. the youth facilities in Chattswood are/are not (whatever your argument is) adequate to meet the needs of the youth population. Just keep it simple
  20. Tenille


    Try not to use first person while writing. Umm heres somthing i thought up do what you want with it AIM: to Evaluate the youth facilities in Chatswood such as....; and wheher or not they are able to cater to the needs of the current population?