hey are you a b or c, i hope your not sum idiot trying to be funny. i hope your c coz c sounded like he would be the best option
but then again im the worst judge of character and ive had obsessions with music teachers.
crap! im actually reffering to someone else's intrest as a letter of the...
those tommorow books are just christian propaganda tools, there not even consistant with the bible, they might be a good read for people who hardly ever read, but you might as well just read harry potter
The Atonement Ian McEwan, better than the movie OF COURSE according to the book Cecilia looks like a horse...keira knightly is farrrr from horselike!
about to start the blind assasin Margaret Atwood...she didn't impress me with Oryx and Crake.
im in the middle of Charles Dickens Bleak House...
What is the most common personality study undertaken by Modern History students, and will this have anny effect on your HSC (e.g. because more people do Lenin is it hard to stand out with your answer?)
Thanx, ive been wondering about this for a while and because im doing distance education its...