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  1. studyhappy

    atar estimate

    a lot of people think their cohort is very strong, and the truth is you will never know how they do in comparison to others until the 18/12/13 despite this, i think 97+ is possible but, just barely (take the safe option and work on that english rank) good luck
  2. studyhappy

    How many hours are you studying?

    all day, every day task-based ✌
  3. studyhappy

    EAS financial difficulty HELP

    what if one parent is unemployed (fired) and this has led to loss of house, but he/she is not on the dole or any Centrelink-means payment. Also the other parent is on ~40k pay
  4. studyhappy

    EAS financial difficulty HELP

    what constitutes 'financial difficulty'? hypothetically, would a complete loss of income* of one parent constitute as 'financial difficulty' and thus could receive EAS? does anyone have experience in a similar scenario and go on to receive EAS?
  5. studyhappy

    Did Terribly for Half-Yearlies and First Assessments.... Still Hope for 95.5+

    those marks don't look half bad - i've noticed in selective schools that they tend to mark a lot harder. it's only been two assessment tasks....ranks slip a lot around the trials (which are usually worth the most) so if you do reasonably well you can guarantee yourself good ranks and a...
  6. studyhappy

    atar estimate

    lap over from 4U kids. thanks! also only 10 people take straight 2U
  7. studyhappy

    atar estimate

    trollin how many accounts have you got
  8. studyhappy

    atar estimate

    lol btw 40 kids get 99+
  9. studyhappy

    atar estimate

    school rank: rank 4-8 in the past 5 years eng ADV: 17/169 maths 2U: 4/90 maths 3U: 14/140 legal studies: 4/30 ancient: 2/20 biology 2/40 this is after assessment 2 BTW, thanks!
  10. studyhappy

    True of not?

    when you say 'raw mark' do you mean their internal raw mark? in unique cases, BOS doesn't use the normal system of moderation of internal marks to make sure it is fair (e.g. when there is one person in a class, large gaps in ranks vs marks, biased teachers, or just generally something odd)...
  11. studyhappy


    I know what you mean (speeches is pretty annoying) but generally the hamlet response is marked harder which is why they scale better
  12. studyhappy


    english modules do scale differently e.g. in module B 13/20 in speeches is equivalent to a 16/20 in hamlet generally but it varies year to year depending on difficulty
  13. studyhappy

    estimate the size of white and red blood cells and draw HELP

    what are the variables in this experiment? are there any controlled variables?
  14. studyhappy

    how to study for maths

    you can do exceptionally well in 2U and 3U and from your track record it sounds like you will understand the content. the key is doing as many practice papers as possible throughout the year to see every possible question your school and the BOS can give you. people that get 99+ in 2u or 48+ in...
  15. studyhappy

    UNSW LAW - ATAR below cutoff of 99.65 and still got in???

    could be EAS. I know someone from a private school with 98 that got into UNSW Comm/law this year with EAS
  16. studyhappy

    Chem or ancient?!

    ancient! as long as you are good at rote learning, top marks will be easy to attain. also chem does get alot harder so if you're struggle maybe it is better off to drop it.
  17. studyhappy

    Should I drop 4 unit math?

  18. studyhappy

    Big Descision, should I give up some of my HSC year to travel?

    stay. you have the rest of your life to go to china with your best friend.