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  1. J

    Internet access in dorms

    Yeah… it is sounding like a viable solution...
  2. J

    Internet access in dorms

    :/ That is ridiculous. Half that (5GB) would cost $55 a month. There is no way i would be able to pay $50 a month for internet, AND live withing the confines of 5 GB in a single month. Surely there has to be other alternatives… Is it possible to get your own internet connection hooked up? That...
  3. J

    Charles Sturt Bathurst - Students of 2010

    I got into Bachelor of Information Technology at the Bathurst campus XD. I can't wait for it… Finally I will be able to see if I actually am smart at computers...
  4. J

    Charles Sturt Bathurst - Students of 2010

    Hey, I thought I would start a thread to celebrate and share the fact that we got into CSU. Post your course or w/e. Psst! Mods! This would be a good sticky ;)
  5. J

    Internet access in dorms

    GRWAWHADB!!!! It better not be that much! I would easily rack up AT LEAST 10GB from just light surfing (without even downloading movies/songs/etc). I really don't feel like paying $100 a month for internet...
  6. J

    Internet access in dorms

    For those of us who are opting for on campus accommodation, is there any internet access in our rooms? If so, what is it like? Wireless/Wired? How fast is it, is it filtered, what type of restrictions are placed on it (open ports, bandwidth, daily/monthly quotas etc)?
  7. J

    Early Entry

    So, is it only the Bathurst letters that have been sent out yet? I just got my letter today and i got accecpted (sweet!) to Bathurst… Two of my friends applied to Albury and… Wagga Wagga and they have not got their letters yet… So excited XD. Now i just need to make sure that i put...
  8. J


    Ok. So I was talking to my teacher who marks Business and it turns out that the BOS are trialing a new computer based marking method, where the papers are scanned and saved at a 'really high quality' to make the whole process a whole lot quicker and more efficient. I specifically asked her if...
  9. J

    How many pages did u write

    Yeah, I got 6 pages for Consumer (I hated consumer, i felt like there wasn't anything there…) and JUST SHORT OF 8 PAGES for Family. Before I was so ready to break 8 pages for the essay, but I ended up getting a mind blank for protection (for effectiveness, PAREE), and just plain forgetting to...
  10. J


    I noticed a similarly themed question from the IPT exam with the Big Brother privacy invasion and all.
  11. J

    SDD: Multiple Choice

    1) a 2) c 3) d 4) b 5) b 6) c 7) d 8) d 9) b 10) b 11) c 12) a 13) d 14) b 15) b 16) FORGOT TO GO BACK AND ANSWER!!!!11ONE 17) c 18) a 19) c 20) b - I really didnt like this question. I think A, B and D all should have been in there. I suppose B answered the question better… I think (the...
  12. J

    SDD study thread

    White box testing refers to testing the internal structure and logic of the code, whereas black box testing refers to testing the whole package from an external point of view. Explain how a programmer ensures the quality assurance of a piece of software whilst developing it
  13. J

    Your languages

    First, to teach the class the basics of programming, we learnt Javascript, but from a really old book that was advocating the use of the <font> tag. The teacher claimed that we learning how to write Javascript or HTML, but rather learning the fundamentals and basic flow structures… something...
  14. J

    how are people studying for sdd??

    Well, I am very confident for the majority of the course (1st ranked 2nd in the trials by getting 85% without any study and VERY MINIMAL classwork), it's mainly the binary arithmetic and the Hex > Oct > Binary stuff that confuses me a bit, so I have been working on them Oh, and I don't really...
  15. J

    General Thoughts: IPT

    Yeah, I wonder if they were just being tricky or made a mistake by leaving out the '?' required for GET values in a url...
  16. J

    General Thoughts: IPT

    Yeah, I left about 20 minutes early. For those doing TPS, what did people write for that question comparing buying your ticket online apposed to seeing a travel agent? I was absolutely stumped, so I just bullshitted something like cheaper deals through an agent, but quicker and easier over...
  17. J

    General Thoughts: IPT

    No, I am not talking about an anchor. I wrote (in condensed form, of course) something similar to what I posted on Super User a couple of days ago:
  18. J

    General Thoughts: IPT

    I had Customer, Song, Artist, Transaction and Genre, but I fucked up the schema thing with all the relationships and stuff
  19. J

    General Thoughts: IPT

    Ugh yes! By the end of the exam I was just sooooo over those questions! They had just copied and pasted the same thing throughout the exam FOUR TIMES! I ANSWERED THE SAME QUESTION FOUR TIMES! How long was peoples responses for these questions? Mine were usually like half a page, but I...